“Honesty, Trish.”
She could do this. She could be honest with him. Trish clutched the phone to her ear. “No, I don’t want to move on with my life.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you.”
He exhaled harshly. “Thank fuck for that.”
A knock sounded at her hotel door. She froze, half-sure that she was imagining things, but it came again almost immediately. “Just, uh, one second.” She climbed off the bed and padded to the door. Maybe it was the maid service? Though it should be too late in the day... Trish opened the door and stared. “Cameron.”
“Hey, Trish.” His voice echoed in her ear where she still held the phone. She gave herself a shake and ended the call. “I don’t... What are you doing here?”
He glanced past her into the hotel room and raised his brows. “Can I come in?”
“Oh. Yeah. Of course.” She skittered back and wrapped her arms around herself. He was here. Why was he here?
He only moved into the room enough to shut the door. “I read your letter.” He pinned her with a look. “What the fuck kind of cowardly shit was that? You wrote me a letter, Trish. A phone call would have been a hell of a lot better, if only because it would have given me a chance to respond.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Had he come all this way to yell at her about the stupid letter?
“I’m not.” Still, he didn’t approach her. “I found a solution, though your brother thinks I’ve lost my damn mind. I don’t care. I watched you walk out of my life once, and I’ll be damned if I sit back in New York knowing that you love me and I love you. Fuck that. I choose you, Trish.”
What was he saying? Hope fluttered cautious wings in her throat. “A long-distance relationship—”
“I split the company. It’s past time we had a West Coast base of operations, and Aaron is more than capable of handling anything that pops up in New York by himself with his new assistant. We’re going to each build a little at a time and expand Tandem Security accordingly. Right now, I’m working remote until I figure out where we’re landing, but that’s the deal—I land where you land, Trish.” He hesitated, something vulnerable creeping past his customary confidence. “That is, if you still want me to find a solution. If you still want me. I know I was a dick before and—”
“Shut up.” She threw herself into his arms and kissed him with everything she had. By the time she came up for air, she was shaking. “You’re serious. You moved across the country for me.”
“I haven’t actually moved yet. But the plans are in place.” He gave a soft smile. “I wanted to be sure you hadn’t changed your mind before I chased you down and branded myself a stalker.”
She peppered his jaw with kisses. “Of course I didn’t change my mind, you crazy man. How could I? I love you. I love you so much, and I’m sorry I never told you. That stupid letter—”
“I’m framing it.”
“The letter.” He lifted her into his arms and started for the bed. It took Cameron all of three steps to reach it in the small hotel room. “I’m keeping it forever. I’m keeping you forever.” He tumbled her back onto the bed and settled beside her. His gaze snagged on the television and he frowned. “Sandra Bullock?”
“The movie makes me think of you. She’s this cranky boss who overworks her hapless assistant and they end up falling in love.” She leaned up and kissed him. “You’re cuter than she is, though.”
“Thanks.” Cameron pushed her curls back from her face. “I’d like to take you to meet my parents next weekend.”
“I’d like that.” She cupped his jaw. “I bet they’ll be happy to know that you’re in the same state as they are.”
“Probably.” He gave her a wicked grin. “But, mark my words, my mom is going to start in on when we’re going to give her grandchildren.”
Trish laughed. She couldn’t help it. She hadn’t dared think there might be a way for her and Cameron to be together, yet here he was, in her bed again and offering her the solution to everything. She snuggled closer to him. “It’ll be at least a few years.”
“No doubt.” He sounded a little choked, as if the thought of kids panicked him, which only made her laugh harder.
She wrapped her leg over his waist and pulled him closer. “But there’s no reason we can’t practice in the meantime. Lots and lots of practice.”
“I love you, woman.”
“Say it again.”
His lips brushed her ear. “I love you,” he whispered. “And I’m never letting you go.”
“Good,” she breathed. “Now take off your clothes.”