No note, no convenient piece of evidence that would lead him to her.

Think, damn it. You can’t go running down the street bellowing her name.

Even though that was exactly what he wanted to do.

Aaron dug his phone out of his pocket and called Lucy. It barely rang once before he hung up. What was he thinking? She might have told her sister she was pregnant, but showing up there would just reinforce her incorrect belief that she was somehow failing Lucy. Becka wouldn’t go to Lucy.

No, she’d go to Allie and Roman.

He started to call his friend, but Aaron paused. If there was one truth when it came to Roman, it was that the man loved Allie beyond all reasonable doubt. If Becka was there, he would stand sentry over her and Allie if it was what the women wanted. An admirable quality, but it would put them directly at odds, and Aaron couldn’t risk the possibility of being kept from her.

He couldn’t make this right if he couldn’t see her.

What do you think you’re going to do? That you’ll show up and she’ll be so relieved you decided to stop being a dick that she’ll fall at your feet in gratitude?

Not likely.

The odds were Becka would throw something at his head rather than sit still long enough to hear him apologize. He deserved it. There was no doubt about that.

He reached the ground floor and headed out onto the street. He had no plan. No guarantee that she wouldn’t kick him to the curb the second she saw him. Nothing.

Nothing but his love and an apology he didn’t even know how to put into words.

It didn’t matter.

He would make it right.

The alternative—a future with Becka moving peripherally through his life—was too heartbreaking to even consider. If he fucked this up, they’d share a child and nothing else. He’d have to stand by and watch her move on. She might avoid relationships like a plague right now, but eventually she’d come across a man determined enough to get past her barriers, who would be patient with her skittishness, and who would earn her love as a result.

Fuck. That.

Aaron wanted to be that man. Aaron was that man.

He just had to prove it to her.


BECKA COULDN’T SETTLE into the movie. It was more than her bladder crying foul every fifteen minutes or the fact that too many peanut butter cookies had upset her stomach. She kept running over Allie’s words, and every repeat put her more on edge. She sat up. “I did fight for him.”

“Hmm?” Allie turned to look at her. “What’s that?”

“Aaron.” She pushed to her feet and pressed a knuckle to the small of her back, where an ache had started. “I moved in with him. I went on dates with him. I shared his damn bed. I was making an effort.”


She paced back and forth, energy snapping through her limbs. “You know what I need to do?” Becka continued before her friend could respond. “I need to go down to his office and say what I need to say. He can’t just ice me out and expect me to fade quietly into the night.” She spun around. “I love that asshole, and people that love each other don’t have a single fight and break up. That’s bullshit. He can’t ghost me. I’m having his freaking baby.”

Allie cleared her throat. “Well, technically, he could ghost you.” She held up her hands when Becka growled. “I mean, this is Aaron, and obviously he’s not going to because he’s Aaron. But just wanted to point that out.”

“You’re not helping.” She snatched up her phone and headed for the door. “I’m going to track that jerk down and figure this out.”

“Go get ’em, tiger.”

Considering Becka had said almost the same thing to Allie after she and Roman had their bumpy start, she didn’t growl at her friend again. “I’ll call you later.” She stalked to the door and threw it open.

And almost plowed right into Aaron.

He stood there, one hand raised to knock. “Becka.”