Right where the baby currently grew.

His touch was different there, almost reverent as he explored the slight curve of her stomach that hadn’t been there three months ago. He didn’t say anything to break the silence, and she couldn’t speak past the burning in her throat. This isn’t real. It might feel real, but we aren’t a couple expecting our first baby. We’re strangers who banged once and now are trying to figure out what the hell we’re doing.

You can’t afford to forget that.

It was only for tonight. Tomorrow, she could go back to keeping precious distance between them and ensure Aaron knew that he needed to stop blurring the lines when it came to her and the baby.


Tonight, she just wanted to pretend for a little while. To sink into the feeling of him holding her, to luxuriate in what was probably the best date of her life. After they’d gotten past the uncomfortable topics and relaxed into being with each other, she’d had fun with Aaron. And she hadn’t had to worry about making a clean getaway because what they had together was already so damn complicated.

Becka closed her eyes and let herself relax. Aaron responded by cuddling her a little closer, and she fell asleep to the even sounds of his breath, feeling safer than she ever had before.

Aaron woke early and put together a light breakfast for Becka while he contemplated his next step. Last night had been good—better than good—but he wanted to take steps forward. To claim ground Becka had previously held back from him. Since both pregnancy and her family seemed to be off-limits, that meant he had to find a different way to connect. He flipped the pancakes, still thinking hard.

“You’re spoiling me.”

He didn’t jump, but it was a near thing. He turned and held out his arm, and Becka slipped under it and nestled against him. She must have noticed his surprise, because she sighed. “Last night was really nice and I’m still riding the nice vibes, so let’s not think about it too hard, okay?”

Considering he’d been doing exactly the opposite just now, he didn’t like his chances. “You’re just drunk on power after your poker win.”

“And you think you’re a comedian.” She leaned forward and eyed the pancakes. “I shouldn’t have these before my class. They’ll sit heavy on my stomach.”

“Wrap them up in tinfoil and add the peanut butter later. It will be cold, but still a nice protein boost after class.”

Now she really was looking at him strangely. “Thanks.” She stepped away from him and snagged an apple off the counter.

Aaron could actually feel her retreating, and it made him crazy. “What do you do for fun?”

“Drink.” She made a face. “Okay, that sounds bad. But happy hours are one of my favorite things. Most bars Allie and I used to hang out in have trivia or bingo or some kind of game while they pour half-priced drinks. The people-watching is superb, and we’ve already established that I have a competitive streak.”

That, they definitely had. “Would it bother you to go for trivia night if you can’t drink?”

She seemed to consider that as she took a bite of apple. “I don’t know. No? I mean, we’d have to pick a place with good food, but that’s easy enough to manage in this city.”


The fact she casually looped him into the prospective plans warmed him through. It was just a word, two simple letters that Aaron used every single damn day. But from Becka’s lips, it took on a new meaning, a different mentality, making them a unit. She might not be willing to admit as much, but her thinking she was on this road alone had obviously shifted in the last week.

I’m making progress. Slowly, but surely.

He kept his body language as casual as his tone. “You free tonight?”

“Tonight?” She took another bite and chewed slowly. “I could make tonight work.”

“Why don’t you bring an extra set of clothes and shower at the gym? I can pick you up at...five?”

“Sure...” She grabbed her phone off the counter and backed away. “That sounds nice. Let’s do that. ’Bye.”

Aaron watched her run from him, but there was none of the frustration he’d grown accustomed to when it came to dealing with Becka. They’d taken a big step last night, whether she wanted to admit it or not. If she needed to retreat a little in response, he’d allow it.

But she wouldn’t get far if she tried to bolt for real.

He shook his head and used a spatula to move the pancakes from the pan to a square of tinfoil he’d laid out when he started cooking. A few seconds to cool, and then he carefully rolled them up and grabbed the mini jar of peanut butter he’d picked up yesterday. The jar and the tinfoil wraps went into the lunch bag he’d found in the back of his pantry. He could hear Becka getting dressed in her room, so he poured her a cup of coffee into a thermos. Ten to one, she was about to rush out of the penthouse without worrying about her coffee or her lunch, and he didn’t need her going without because he’d spooked her.

He stepped into the hallway and caught her midsneak. Her blue eyes went wide. “I’m going to work now.”

“I see that.” He passed over the bag and the thermos, and her jaw dropped when she took them. Aaron used a single finger to close her mouth and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “I’ll pick you up at five.”