“Do we need something here?” Wiley asked.

“Thought I’d pick up some more fresh vegetables and fruit while we’re out.” Baer turned toward him. “But first, let’s talk about what you just said. About being more than friends. I think my actions the other morning proved I want that.”

Wiley’s grin did something wicked to Baer’s insides. “Oh yeah, your actions said a lot. Our actions did. I really enjoyed myself, and I want more. In fact,” he said, glancing at the grocery store for a second, then looking back at Baer. “I think we should pick up some condoms.”

Baer should not be getting hard at Wiley merely saying the word “condom.” That was just wrong. But there was no denying that his blood was racing south.

“Don’t need them. Magical, remember? Can’t get sick and can’t make you sick.” Baer returned his grin. “You verse?”

Wiley nodded. “With a preference for the bottom, though.”

“Oh, we’re gonna get along really well, then.” Baer leaned over, cupped Wiley’s cheek, and kissed him slowly.

Wiley wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him back in for more kisses. Baer was only too happy to comply. He slid his tongue into Wiley’s mouth and groaned at the sweet taste of him, wanting more. Wiley’s tongue met his, stroke for stroke, and it felt like they’d been kissing for years.

Reluctantly, Baer pulled away and dragged in a deep breath. They had to stop before he was tempted to steal more than a few hot kisses. “Damn, Wiley.”

“I know. It’s something, isn’t it?” Wiley took Baer’s hand and placed it on his hard cock.

Baer stroked him through his jeans. “We’re going to get arrested if this goes any further.”

Wiley sighed and pulled off his hand, grimacing and adjusting himself. “We’re going to have to wait a minute or two before we go inside. Talk about something unsexy. Quick.”

“Pestilents,” Baer grumbled.

“That’ll do it. Though that just reminds me we have to be extra vigilant in there. I’d hate for innocent people to get pulled into this.”

“You mean like you did?”

Wiley touched his thigh. “How many times do I have to remind you that I like this adventure I’m on? I’m having the time of my life and never expected to experience anything like this. Plus, there’s you.”

“You’re a good guy, Wiley Stuart,” Baer said, leaning over to steal a kiss.

Wiley hummed happily. “Come on, my hard-on went down enough to go inside.”

“Maybe I’ll kiss you again and fix that.”

“Don’t you dare!”

Baer laughed as he got out of the Jeep.Chapter 13Baer trailed behind Lucien, Grey, and Clay as they stepped off the patio and started across the field. He’d just gotten back from the doctor’s appointment and grocery run with Wiley. The young man had mentioned something about checking emails and getting a little work done. Probably for the best since all Baer wanted to do was toss him over his shoulder and carry him up to the bedroom.

Clay and Lucien had also completed a run to Lucien’s hotel, bringing several suitcases. Apparently, his Porsche was in the shop. Because of course he had a Porsche.

It was becoming very clear from the man’s clothes and car that Lucien came from a fair bit of money. He’d mentioned something about being a fund manager, but Baer hadn’t bothered to ask any follow-up questions simply because he barely knew what a fund manager did. He was pretty sure anything else Lucien told him was going to go straight over his head.

And in truth, Lucien didn’t seem to be in a big hurry to talk about his previous life or even to necessarily get back to it.

Right now, he was all about his new power, which was why they were walking toward the training field.

Wiley had been hinting around for an invitation, and Baer had wanted to give it, but he kept his mouth shut. With Lucien still trying to get a handle on what he could and couldn’t do, it wasn’t safe for Wiley to be present. He would bring him out as soon as Baer was sure Lucien had control of his powers. And maybe when they had another fire extinguisher on hand.

“Earth to Baer…” Lucien’s teasing voice finally broke through his thoughts.

“Huh?” Baer’s head snapped up, and he took in Lucien’s broad grin.

“Lost in thought?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. What were you saying?”

Lucien chuckled, never losing his smile. “I was asking what kind of animals you can turn into.”

“Oh…umm…any, as far as I know. Though, considering we’re out in the middle of a field in the woods, I haven’t tried a fish yet.”

Lucien winked at him. “That’s probably pretty smart. I wouldn’t try it with our pool either.”

“Yeah, the chlorine.”

Lucien stopped walking, his eyes staring off into the distance. “I wonder if I could make the water in the pool boil.”

“Do us all a favor and wait until the weather turns cold before you try that,” Grey suggested as he stepped around the Fire Weaver.