He wished he were his soul mate. But he wasn’t, and he’d just have to get used to the knowledge.

But until then, nothing was stopping them from having some fun. He’d just have to work hard to keep his heart from becoming involved.

Wiley settled in a lounger next to the pool and opened his sketch pad, but his thoughts went back to the sex. He squirmed in his seat, his dick thickening at the memory. He’d never had such a visceral reaction to another man in his life. Their connection, their chemistry, was off the charts. He’d had boyfriends in the past, ones he’d been highly attracted to, but it had been nothing like what he felt with Baer.

He wanted more.

A lot more.

He watched the man tromping through the woods with his dog, and his heart swelled with warmth. Cursing the damn thing, he purposely took his gaze to his sketchbook and began to work. That was always the one thing that kept him going, that took his mind off his troubles.

He let the peace of the morning sun wash over him and got lost in his sketches.Chapter 12Wiley’s phone dinged, reminding him he had a therapy appointment that day. He chewed on his lip. Should he skip? He’d rarely missed an appointment, but this would be a good reason. They were worried about his safety. If he left the plantation, would he be a target? Would they even let him leave alone? Would he make the Weaver who accompanied him a target?

But on the other hand, therapy helped so much with keeping his OCD under control. It gave him a much-needed sense of balance and peace of mind. He’d kept up his appointments religiously for years. The meds helped as well, but his body eventually got used to them and he had to switch things up. The therapy appointments always helped to spot when things were starting to slip before it got bad.

And right now, he was dealing with a lot of stress and change in his life. He couldn’t afford to have things fall apart. Not if Baer or the others needed him for something. Even if it was just something small. He refused to crack under the pressure.

Maybe he would just talk to Baer first. If the Animal Weaver thought it was too dangerous to leave the plantation, then he’d reschedule.

He pushed Queenie off his feet, earning a glare in response that made him chuckle, and went looking for Baer.

The broad-shouldered redhead was working with Dane in one of the front bedrooms upstairs. The room was a disaster area of dust and dirt. One of the walls had been partially removed, exposing the wires while more wires dangled from the ceiling. The fancy baseboards had been ripped away and were leaning against the wall. He guessed they were going to be refinished like those in the other rooms. The guys had a lot of work ahead of them to get this room into shape.

Wiley knocked on the doorframe and smiled when Baer’s head immediately popped up. “Could I talk to you a moment?” he asked.

“Sure.” Baer put down his hammer and walked into the hallway with Wiley. His jeans and blue T-shirt were dusty while bits of drywall clung to his hair.

Wiley rubbed his hands on his jeans and licked his lips, trying to get his mouth to finally form the words he needed to say. He knew this wasn’t going to be a quick and easy conversation, no matter how he wished it would be. “I need to go somewhere. Could I borrow a car?”

Baer frowned. “I’d rather you didn’t go anywhere by yourself. I’m sorry, but it’s just too dangerous right now. I’d be happy to drive you anywhere you need to go.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to take you from your work—” he started, but Baer was already shaking his head, a grin on his face.

“Hmm…that’s a real tough choice,” he teased while rubbing his chin. “Hang out here and help Dane rewire the bedroom while getting covered in drywall dust and old spiderwebs…or spend some time alone with you in a car.”

Wiley felt an answering smile tug at his lips. “That is a tough choice.”

Baer snorted. “Not really. Your butt is way cuter than Dane’s.”

“I heard that!” Dane called from the bedroom, which only made Wiley cackle. “I’m telling Clay you’re looking at my ass!”

“Only when I have to hold the ladder!” Baer shouted over his shoulder. He turned his attention to Wiley, a broad grin on his lips. “I think I’ve been kicked out of Dane’s hair for the day and I’m all yours.”

Now that sounded like heaven. If he didn’t have this appointment, Wiley would’ve had a few suggestions on how they could spend their time together.

“Thanks. I have a therapy appointment, and I’d rather not miss it.” He paused, giving Baer a soft smile. “It’s important or I wouldn’t ask.”