Baer released a heavy breath. “Good. You do what you need to do. I’ll meet you in my room.”

Baer hurried up the stairs and darted into his room. He quickly stripped out of his wet clothes, throwing on a pair of loose basketball shorts and a T-shirt. He then set about clearing a little space in his closet and more space on the stupidly large counter in the bathroom. The suite was more than big enough to accommodate Wiley, and if they set up the game room as an artist’s studio for him, he would be plenty comfortable. Or at least he hoped he would.

All too soon, Wiley was standing in the open doorway with a suitcase in his hand and an irritated Queenie in his arms. Baer paused and frowned as he looked the man over. He’d also changed clothes, and his hair was standing up a bit around his head.

“I know you had way more stuff when you arrived.”

“I do,” Wiley admitted. “Lucien stuck his head in and said to not worry about everything. Just grab the basics. Then he dropped onto the bed and passed out. Is that normal?”

Baer nodded and carefully took the bag from Wiley to place it on the bed. “Oh, yeah. We were all pretty wiped after we got our powers. He just needs to grab several hours of sleep and he’ll be good again.” He turned back to Wiley, who was hovering in the open doorway.

“You know I can always make up a pallet on the floor—”

“No way,” Baer growled. “We’re adults and this is a king-sized bed. Plenty of room.”

Wiley nodded, his lips pressed tightly together. Baer wasn’t quite sure how to read that. Yeah, it’s fine. Or yeah, but this is a really bad idea.

“Or I can grab a spot on the floor. I’ve roughed it camping plenty of times,” Baer suggested.

“No! It’s fine. Perfect. I…I just hate inconveniencing you.”

“No problem. It’ll be like a sleepover.” Baer turned and pulled fresh underwear out of the drawer and crossed to the bathroom door. “I’m going to grab a quick shower to get this chlorine out of my hair. Go ahead and pick a side. Either works for me.”

Baer escaped into the bathroom and didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until standing alone with the door closed behind him. Oh yeah, sleep in a bed with Wiley all night and not give in to the temptation to touch him. He already wanted to cuddle the man like a goddamn teddy bear. And now he knew just how strong the man was, dealing with something like obsessive-compulsive disorder. He was so impressed by Wiley.

He simply had to remember that fooling around with Wiley was wrong since Baer was still holding out for his soul mate. He didn’t want Wiley to get hurt. The man deserved so much better than that. He deserved a happily ever after with a man who worshiped him.

And no matter how much Baer liked him, he couldn’t promise Wiley that.

So he was keeping his hands to himself.

He could do this.

Fuck, this is gonna suck.Chapter 11Wiley woke to a deliciously warm weight wrapped around him. He turned his head to find Baer pressed to him, an arm and a leg thrown over him. Hot breath brushed over Wiley’s neck.

Mmm…best way to wake up ever.

Closing his eyes again, Wiley snuggled back into Baer. His ass brushed against a hard ridge, and a moan rose up in his throat. He couldn’t stop himself from wiggling just a little more.

“Damn, you feel good squirming like that. Do it again.” Baer’s voice was raspy and low with sleep before he kissed the side of Wiley’s neck.

Wiley wiggled his ass again and sucked in a deep breath when Baer’s hand went to his hip to hold him hard against him. He thrust along Wiley’s ass, a low growl rumbling on his neck. His dick was hard, felt like it was a nice size, too.

Was Baer still mostly asleep? Did he know what he was doing?

Wiley didn’t want it to stop. His cock was hard and aching. He just wanted to turn in Baer’s arms and kiss him.

So, he did.

He rolled over and met sleepy, green eyes before closing his own and reaching for Baer’s lips. They were soft and full. Wiley moaned as he snuggled closer. A tongue came out to meet his. All he could feel was Baer’s warm body and hard muscles, his slick tongue and soft lips. He wrapped an arm around Baer’s wide chest and held him close.

Suddenly, Baer groaned and took over the kiss, opening Wiley’s mouth wide as he plundered inside. Hot desire flooded every bit of Wiley’s body, and he lifted one leg to slide it over Baer’s thigh. Baer gripped behind his knee, tugging him even closer.

Fire consumed him, and still he wanted more. He’d had an idea that Baer was hot, that they were attracted to each other, but this was so much more than he’d expected.