Birds were useful in terms of speed and talons, but he didn’t like shifting into birds. They were hard.

No, something with claws and sharp teeth was needed here. Something fast and scary.

Baer looked over at the blond again and smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay. I promise. Just stay here.”

“Not going anywhere, big guy,” Blondie replied with a small waver in his voice.

Closing his eyes for a second to block out all the noise and distractions, Baer conjured up a familiar image. Tawny yellow fur. Massive paws with thick retractable claws. Long tail. Sharp teeth and even sharper eyes. He tapped his powers, letting the energy rush over his body like a warm wave. From where he and the other man were crouched, he doubted anyone would be able to see the soft glow that encompassed his body as he changed.

The first few times he’d shifted, the experience had been terrifying. Bones broke and reformed. Muscles stretched and twisted in weird ways until he came out on the other side in an entirely new form with new abilities, strength, limitations, and even instincts.

But it was a hell of a rush.

Behind him, he could hear a strangled squeak from Blondie, but the sound was suddenly muffled as if he’d placed his hand over his mouth. For now, Baer couldn’t think about it. He had to concentrate on taking care of the pestilents.

Muscles bunched and tensed as he crouched just a second before launching himself from his hiding place. He leaped over tables and chairs, the pads of his paws barely touching the furniture. He flew through the air toward his targets. The pestilents screamed and tried to raise their weapons in time to protect themselves. They were too slow.

Baer let his too-human brain retreat while the instincts of the cougar took over. Claws sank deep into weak flesh, tearing apart bodies. He bit down on the throat of the female pestilent and shook his head, snapping the creature’s neck. Baer dropped the lifeless body and jumped away from his prey as the male pestilent fired wildly at him while trying to crawl away. His sweaty blond hair hung loose in front of his eyes, and more sweat trickled down his lean face. The second the gun was out of ammo, he pounced, ripping the life from his would-be killer.

Pestilent blood coated his tongue and Baer gagged, even in the cougar’s body. So much for yummy pumpkin doughnuts and fresh coffee. That would have been better than this endeavor. He got only the taste of rancid meat. But if it got them another of their missing brothers safely to the plantation house, he’d take it.

Hurrying behind a table, Baer quickly shifted into human form before sliding over to where Blondie was hiding. Baer lifted his shirt to his mouth and hastily wiped away the blood from his face and across his tongue. God, he needed a drink. A fucking drink of anything.

“What-what-what the hell…?” Blondie panted. He looked like he was just a second from running out of the place screaming. Not that Baer would blame him.

“I’ll explain on the way, but I’m a Weaver just like you. We need to get you to the plantation, where it’s safe.”

“Like me?” he gasped.

“Yeah, but it’s better if we get out of here before the cops show up. They always make things more complicated.” Baer grabbed Blondie’s arm and helped him to his feet. To his surprise, the man didn’t fight him but accompanied him out of the blood-splattered bakery and to his Jeep. A sort of dazed expression filled his face, but at least he wasn’t denying it all. Not like Grey had.

Of course, seeing Baer shapeshift into a cougar had to be pretty damn convincing.

Jumping into the Jeep, he fired up the engine while Blondie pulled on his seat belt.

“I’m Wiley Stuart, by the way,” his companion said. “What about my car?”

“Baer Manning, and we’ll return for it when things settle down,” he said with a grin. He started to shift the vehicle into drive but paused and cursed loudly.

“What’s wrong? Are there more?” Wiley twisted around in his seat, staring out the rear window.

“No. I never got the damn doughnuts. The guys are gonna be pissed.”

“Well, it wasn’t your fault. They attacked.”

Baer grinned easily at Wiley. “Plus, I’m bringing home an even bigger surprise. They are going to be so excited to meet you!”Chapter 2Welcome wind came in through Wiley’s open window as Baer drove like a bat out of hell. Wiley braced his hands on the dash, working to keep himself from being thrown into the man as he took a sharp right after barely stopping. These back roads were familiar, but he had no idea where they were going—didn’t really care either. This was too damn exciting.