“Ugh, I’m out,” Lucien groaned as he started in the opposite direction. “I’m going to check on Grey and then hop in the shower.”

Baer chuckled and Clay shook his head.

“How’s Grey doing?” Wiley asked. Baer’s arms tightened around Wiley’s body, wishing he could help to ease some of his worry for the Soul Weaver, but it wasn’t going to happen soon. Even with the ominous words Clay found in the journal of the old Earth Weaver, they were all still worried about Grey.

“I guess he’s about as good as you would expect,” Clay replied on a sigh. “Mostly depressed, angry, and frustrated. He says he’s not in any pain other than a low-level dull ache in his eyes and temples. I worry about him in that apartment away from everyone. He’s withdrawing too much. We’ve offered to switch rooms with him again. My bedroom is on the ground floor, at least. It would make it easier for him to be with everyone.”

Wiley reached out and placed a hand on Clay’s arm. “Yes, but he doesn’t know your room. He likely has that apartment memorized. He feels comfortable and safe there.”

Clay grunted. “True. That’s what Dane said. He’s been researching what we can do to best help him. He’s even got a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist coming in a couple of days to start teaching him how to get around.”

“But you’re still thinking this is temporary, right?” Wiley demanded in a rush.

“We hope so. The doctor he saw yesterday seemed to think his eyes will heal, and he’ll get most of his vision back. The specialist is to just make life a little easier on him until we figure this out.” Clay paused and shrugged. “Grey is an introvert. A loner. He’s accustomed to being incredibly independent.”

“He’s not going to last long feeling like he has to depend on us for every little thing,” Baer finished.

Clay made a noise and nodded. “The specialist will help.”

“But what about the aunts?”

“We haven’t been able to get ahold of them,” Baer murmured.

“Considering that they’ve lost the Circle several times to injuries in the past, I don’t think they will be able to help Grey now,” Clay said.

“I just need a day to figure out what should go to charity, and then I can jump back into research,” Wiley said. “I know we haven’t run across any eye-healing spells in the books yet, but there’s got to be something. Even if it’s magic that doesn’t have anything to do with the Circle. I’ll find it and we’ll heal Grey.”

Clay managed a weak smile for Wiley. “Thanks. I know it would help ease Dane’s and Grey’s minds if they knew you were looking for a healing spell too.” The Earth Weaver gave a small wave and headed in the direction of his own chambers, likely looking for his soul mate.

Wiley moved out from Baer’s arms and turned toward the billiards room, slipping between the towers of boxes. Baer followed him, having to shimmy and squeeze a little more than his slender lover.

“I was afraid to ask, but…how’s Dane doing?” Wiley’s voice was barely over a whisper as if he were worried that Clay or Dane would hear him.

“About as you would expect, stressed and hurting. He wants to fulfill his duty and heal Grey, but it’s complicated. We’ve never had a healer before, so there aren’t any instructions for him to follow. There’s nothing in the way of training. The poor guy is making it up as he goes.”

“We’ll figure this out. I’m here to help now,” Wiley said confidently, and Baer’s heart swelled. His man had grown so much in the short time he’d been living with them. He was no longer insecure or unsure of his place. He fit with them and believed in himself. Wiley had even told the rest of the circle about his illness and how it impacted his life. Never had Baer been so proud of him or the people he called his family. Those men didn’t even blink at Wiley’s announcement. They just asked how they could best help him.

“There’s one other thing we need to figure out,” Baer said.

Wiley’s head cocked to the side as he stared at him. “What’s that?”

“What we should have for dinner when we have your grandmother over?”

Wiley gasped and jumped back a step. “Really?”

Baer nodded. Wiley had been with them for more than a month and during that time, he hadn’t been able to see his grandmother. “Definitely. After the beating they suffered, the pestilents should be quiet for a while. It’ll be safe for us to see her. I thought she might like to see where you’re living now and meet the crazy people you live with. I would very much like to meet her.”

Shouting, Wiley launched himself at Baer, wrapping his slender arms around his neck before capturing his mouth in a hard kiss. Baer was chuckling through the kiss, something he’d never done.