I called him and he pretended not to notice. He was flirting with a brunette who was laughing non-stop and devouring him with her eyes. It annoyed me that he ignored me and acted oblivious. Me liking him? Juliet was delusional, the only thing Romeo was interested in about me was my company and getting between my legs every now and then.
I asked my guests to excuse me for a moment, that I would be right back to introduce them to my husband. In the plan we had drawn up, Romeo was supposed to entertain Andrea while I had an "intimate chat" with her husband.
I pulled out my phone from my purse and, as I approached Romeo, I typed a simple "Come" to Andrey. That was the signal for him to enter and leave Aleksa watching in the parking lot.
I didn't trust anyone else to take the photos and video I needed.
"Amore," I burst in, wedging myself between the brunette and him. She startled and looked at me with concern. "Sorry to interrupt, the Arasagastis have just arrived, I was calling you, but your conversation was so interesting that it prevented you from hearing me."
"I thought we agreed that each of us would have fun on our own. I heard something, but thought it was hallucinations," he murmured, giving the brunette a look that flushed her cheeks.
"Well, you see it wasn't. I've come to pull you away from your entertainment for a while. Duty calls, as soon as we're done, you can go back to..."
"Patricia," she said.
"That's right, little whore." The brunette let out a little shriek of horror, and Romeo pursed his lips.
"My name is Patricia," she corrected me.
"That's what I said, what did you hear?" She turned red with indignation. "Don't worry, I'll give him back to you soon. He loves women like you, lots of silicone and little brain. That way he doesn't have to think too much."
Romeo grabbed me roughly by the arm and cornered me against the wall.
Patricia left scared.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Me? I should be asking you that. I'm focused on what we agreed on, the problem is that all your blood goes to your groin and leaves your only neuron flatlined."
"Don't mess with me, Nikita, I've had enough with Salvatore."
"Romeo, you're led by your dick, like all men, and it's normal that Putilla attracts you, she's very much like Irene, you could ask her if she likes leeks and you two can have a vegetable festival."
"You're cynical. What, you can have fun and I can't?" My gaze sparkled.
"As far as I'm concerned, you can shove an eggplant up your ass. This thing with your cousin has been stupid. And I'm onto something much more important than your disproportionate jealousy."
"I'm not jealous!"
"Whatever you say. I just want to know if you're going to help me or not. The only thing I care about is the cargo that has to come into the port tomorrow, and if you're not going to stick with the plan, I'll go ask your cousin Salvatore for help, he's surely more than willing."
Romeo slammed me against the wall, breathing heavily.
"Don't you dare mess with me with that snake! Stay away from him!"
"I wasn't planning on approaching him, but if you leave me hanging, I'll do whatever it takes." His breathing became erratic.
"Salvatore is nobody's ally," he growled, "he's selfish and treacherous."
"I don't give a damn about your cousin's virtues. We shouldn't be talking about him, but with the Arasagastis. Are you going to help me or not?" Romeo snorted, cursed, and placed my hand on his arm.
"Let's go."
When we reached the couple, they had already finished their drinks. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Andrey enter, keeping a prudent distance.
The four of us started a very pleasant conversation. At first, Karlos was a bit hesitant, but the drug was beginning to take effect, causing him to become uninhibited and shift his gaze in a most indecent way.
The drug was a ticking time bomb. It was a shame the police had busted my uncle's business. He was only able to reserve a few kilos, which he sent me before dying, for personal use.