Page 87 of Koroleva

"Send a couple of men; I want them there every day, asking questions without being a nuisance and finding out anything that might help us."

"Yes, boss."

"And Arasagasti?" My wife was still immersed in the document. "You don't seriously see him as someone we can bribe? We could offer him a hefty sum to show him that we mean business. No matter how devout he is, no one can resist a briefcase full of cash."

"I tried, boss," my man interrupted.

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yes, to negotiate." That meant Aleksa tried to offer him one of our "collaborations."

"And?" He shook his head.

"Impossible. As soon as I told him I had a very lucrative deal in hand to welcome him to the port, involving figures in the five or even six digits, he looked the other way, didn't want to hear any more. He became defensive and suggested I leave if I didn't want to use that figure to pay my bail." I let out a whistle.

"Okay, he's a man of honor, and money doesn't tempt him."

"His parents are devout Catholics," Andrey commented. As if that would save him from the flames!

"My family is also Catholic, and look what we do. The Lord's ways are inscrutable. Besides, the children of the ultra-Catholics always have secrets; they're usually the worst, the ones Lucifer tempts..."

"Maybe his sin is of the flesh," my wife murmured, finally raising her face from the documents. She tapped one of the pages. "Here it says the couple spent three months without seeing each other, not too long ago. She was supposedly in Galicia, and he was in the Basque Country."

"Maybe she was doing the Camino de Santiago," I suggested.

"No way. For newlyweds, the first few months are crucial; all they do is screw like rabbits whenever they can," she emphasized the word screw and looked at me significantly. "This smells like a crisis to me, and if you ask me... like cheating," she commented, rearranging the papers. "Maybe

Arasagasti is a restless candle."

"Or his wife is off doing the barnacle route. What do we know about her?" If I hadn't been locked in my wife's eyes, I would have seen the visual exchange between Aleksa and Andrey. They were both assessing whether what we were saying was more about us or about the Basque couple.

"She has a degree in Fine Arts, belonged to a Catholic sisterhood that worshipped remaining a virgin until marriage. She met the blessed Arasagasti and his loaded family a year ago. They both saw the light."

"What's your proposal?"

"Blackmail," Nikita said firmly.

"You want us to blackmail the new director?"

"No, I want to blackmail the new director," she clarified to make it clear that she was leaving me out of it.

"With what?"

"Well, a compromising photo could be good to destabilize him." I narrowed my eyes.

"You want us to hire a prostitute?"

"No, I'm going to be the whore," she said frivolously. "For this kind of job, when time is against me, I prefer not to leave it in anyone else's hands." My mood turned dark.

"You want to sleep with him?" She moved her hand like a snake over mine.

"Amore, you should already know that I set the limits in my operations." My zipper twitched, as fucked up as I was. "I'll only do it if it's extremely necessary; I prefer to do it for pleasure than for work. So, I'll settle for a good performance. Theater, my thing with him is going to be pure theater." My knuckles turned white. Naturally, the idea excited me minus a hundred, but I understood that it was going to be a necessary performance so that the next day the Colombian cargo could enter the port.

"We have a dinner tonight, and we can't miss it. You don't have time to maneuver."

"I already have everything planned," my wife leaned back, and I felt her bare foot invading my pants. "We'll invite the Arasagastis to your family's dinner tonight." Her fingers rubbed up and down, forcing me to respond. "The director's wife seems to love international relations and partying, according to this dossier and her social media photos. She's an artist; it's in her interest to make contacts." The sole moved up and down, to distract me, by my engorged member. She did it without disguise, so Aleksa, who was next to me, knew what was going on and looked the other way. "Think about it, Romeo, she just arrived in Marbella, she'll be eager to meet interesting people..."

"And how do you plan to invite them?" She smiled, took out her phone, and whispered a "watch and learn." The foot left my cock immediately, and she stood up.