Page 85 of Koroleva

He let out a laugh. When he laughed, he was even more attractive. The nose piercing gleamed.

"I'm going to get something to drink, keep an eye on Adri, and make sure it's the good one, we have enough misfortunes as it is, and we can't afford any scares." I grimaced in disgust. He didn't ask for my phone, which surprised me. There was no

way I'd let him manipulate my phone.

I wasn't going to miss the opportunity; the kid was still playing with the ball, so I went straight to check the calls. He didn't lie about that either; the most recent call was to his men, and the next one was a missed call from Aleksa. Perhaps he had communicated with my executor via WhatsApp. I went to the messages. And none of them said anything special. If I entered the one that said Irene, it wasn't because I cared about what she was talking about with her lover, I just wanted to check if she was out of the loop.

I snorted at the collection of messages like I miss you, when are you coming to see me? Followed by a collection of unanswered dirty photos. The worst was the final blow, an extremely explicit video titled: I had to go down to the fruit shop.

My finger couldn't resist the impulse, and I pressed play. Irene appeared with a lascivious smirk, holding up a huge zucchini labeled "Romeo." She spread her legs on the couch and started rubbing her pussy with it. I couldn't believe it. Didn't that woman have a proper vibrator that she had to play with that?

Irene began to pant, grabbed a bottle of lubricant, and poured a good amount. Was she really going to fuck herself with it? Were Irene and Romeo into dendrophilia?

"It's not okay to look at my dad's phone," a voice said over my shoulder.

I jumped, causing the phone to slip from my hand. Onto the grass. Adriano went for it, seeing what was on the screen. I grabbed it quickly and tried to stop the damn video. The crazy redhead was panting louder as she rubbed herself with it. And the kid was happening on the sreen. I couldn’t manage to stop it between the sweat and the acrylic nails.

"Don't look!" I reproached him.

"What's that? What is Irene doing? Why is she screaming?"

How the hell do you stop this phone?! Screw it! I pressed the side button of the phone, and the screen went black.

"Because..." I couldn't think of anything. "She was fertilizing the vegetables with a new technique before planting."

Romeo appeared holding a couple of glasses, seemingly pleased.

"I'm glad you're starting to talk instead of fighting," he said.

"Nikita was snooping on your phone," the little tattletale accused me. I felt like giving him a slap that would shut him up.

"Nikita wasn't snooping, I let her borrow it," Romeo clarified, not asking me to return it.

"She's weird. Why is she watching videos about growing vegetables?" Romeo frowned. Now that I thought about it, the video didn't appear as watched. With any luck, he wouldn't have any idea what the kid was talking about.

"Because I'm very fond of one hundred percent natural food," I coughed, my cheeks burning.

"Here," my husband handed me the glass.

"I'm thirsty too, didn't you bring me anything?" Adriano protested.

"Sorry, you were in the water, but you can go to the bar and have it added to your grandfather's bill," the kid didn't wait to hear anything else, he ran off.

"Can I have my phone back?" he asked, reaching out his hand.

"No," I replied quickly. I couldn't do it because the first thing that would appear when I turned it on was what I was watching. He raised his eyebrows, left his glass on the table, and asked me why.

"Let me see," he said with a ninja move, snatching the phone from me before I could react.

"No!" I exclaimed again as I watched him press the side button. His eyes turned to me, and instead of an angry expression, there was one of amusement.

"Wow, wow, wow, Mrs. Capulet. So it turns out you are a snoop and watching sexually explicit videos sent by my lover turns you on," he teased.

"I'm not turned on by that skank! I just wanted to see how far she was willing to go. If you're both into messing around with fruits and vegetables, you should get tested for aphids," I retorted. Romeo burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but smile at the somewhat absurd situation.

"Were you jealous, and that's why you snooped on other people's conversations?" he asked.

"Me? Jealous? Of that crazy woman? Never!"