Page 81 of Koroleva

"And shit." Deep down, it didn't matter that he didn't want to tell me. If she left home with one of Romeo's vehicles, she was located.

"Can you handle him?" I asked Segarra. "I need to make an urgent call."

The cop pulled out a Taser and aimed it at Andrey's neck, who snorted.

"This is going to cost Capulet some extra cash," he muttered. Then he stared fixedly at the Russian. "If you move, I'll fry you," he threatened.

I dialed Romeo's number, it took several minutes for him to answer.

"What's up?! I'm at the circuit with Adriano, I hope this is urgent."

"It is. Someone tried to kill your wife, and we don't know who."


I didn't do it

Nothing and no one could stop me. I was furious as I stormed through the doors of the golf club restaurant, clutching my son's hand. Adriano kept protesting because, according to him, his stepmother had ruined the best day of his life.

My son wasn't happy about leaving the circuit, no matter how much I told him I'd make up for his sadness.

As soon as Aleksa gave me the news, I nearly had a heart attack. I cursed myself for arguing with her and letting her go as if it were nothing. We weren't normal people; we had plenty of enemies, and I had simply called my men instead of protecting my wife myself.

I couldn't lose her. Yuri would be turning in his grave, and rightfully so.

I called my men in a rage. I couldn't understand how they hadn't informed me. As soon as they answered and I threw two questions at them, I realized they had no idea what I was talking about. They were profusely apologetic. On their way out of the estate, their car had gotten a flat tire, and they had stopped to change it. It hadn't occurred to them to notify anyone because, after all, the car had a tracker, and they knew its location at all times.

I ranted like a madman and told them I would kick their asses to the ends of the Earth.

I put my son on the Harley and activated the Bugatti's tracker. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the location. My wife hadn't chosen a bad place to take refuge.

My heart was pounding in my throat as I entered the garden area.

There she was, with her back to me, as splendid as ever, gesturing while my father and one of his friends looked at her entranced.

I knew Davencroft; I used to play golf with my father. His wife was uptight, and he loved going out with his lawyer buddies. If he hadn't divorced her, it was because it wouldn't look good, and because Sandra, the fool, didn't care who her husband slept with as long as he was faithful in public. For her, the important thing was to maintain the lifestyle he had accustomed her to. Davencroft couldn't take his eyes off my wife's thighs, who wore her skirt dangerously high. I felt the urge to punch him right then and there.

I reached the table, grabbed my wife by the shoulders. She startled, turning to grab my neck as if she were going to choke me, and I took advantage of her surprise, parting her lips to kiss her, both to give her back some air and to send the lawyer packing. Yes, I know we were at odds, but the relief of seeing that she was still alive and the desire to put the lawyer in his place overcame me.

There was a disgusted "eww" in the background, and my father cheered the warm greeting. Nikita didn't respond, leaving her tongue slack, seeming like an iceberg someone was trying to melt with a lighter without realizing it was the size of a glacier. Aleksa made it very clear to me that my little wife still thought very highly of me and my intentions towards her.

I pulled away from Nikita, pressing my lips against her forehead. She remained silent and wary.

"Ciao, amore," I used the affectionate term that irritated her so much. "I'm glad to see you and that you're in such good company," I said, looking at my father and Davencroft, who shifted uncomfortably. I didn't want to reveal what had happened in front of Adriano or the lawyer. Plus, I needed to talk to my wife to understand what had happened.

"Son! What a joy to see you! Your father-son day didn't last long, did it? Nikita has already told me you went to the circuit."

"I missed my wife too much, so we decided to come," I said. There was a snort from my son, who was clearly annoyed. "May I?" I asked, taking the seat in front of her.

"Of course!" my father granted. "Davencroft and I were just heading to the course." My father shifted the focus to Adriano, who had positioned himself behind his chair.

"And you, bambino, did you have fun with your father?"

"He ruined our plans. He always ruins them because of her," he complained, pointing blatantly at Nikita.

"Well, you have to understand, it's normal. Your father wants to be with your new mother."

" She's not my mother! She's a witch who bites and has rabies! I don't know why you all insist that I like her. Well, I don't, and I won't!" My son kicked the chair and ran off to the bushes.