Page 61 of Koroleva

"No one is going to kick anyone and please stop saying that Nikita is a witch."

"How come not?! If she was eating you, one more minute and I'd also be left without a father!" A scoundrel's laugh appeared on his lips.

"You wouldn't have been left without me, she didn't eat me the way you think," I pursed my lips. Was my husband going to tell him that he was receiving fellatio?

The boy frowned. He looked at his father's crotch and then at me, who was trying to wrap myself in a sheet, so as not to completely traumatize him. After seeing my tits, he didn't stop looking at them.

"Oh, blessed Jesus! "She heard herself from the door. It was Ana María who crossed herself before the image. That idiot Romeo didn't even cover himself. She turned her head. I... I'm sorry, I got lost for a moment, she was opening the door and the boy ran out. I'll take it now. "A thousand pardons," she said, covering her eyes with one hand so as not to admire my husband's semi-erect attribute. Hadrian, come here.

"Can't. My stepmother was giving my father shit while he was sleeping, if we leave them alone, she might attack him again. " Romeo let out a loud laugh and I turned red for the first time in my life, and that the poor cook wasn't even looking.

"God hear you," Romeo muttered between laughs. Hadrian couldn't believe it.

"Do you want me to eat you?"

"No, honey, your father is joking," Ana María cleared her throat. "he lady doesn't eat anyone; she must have been giving mouth to mouth to your father because he had run out of air from snoring. Come, go."

"I don't understand. " Ana María reached the child. "Did Dad need to pump himself with air through his whistle?"

"Exactly, like a balloon, your new mom was just helping him get some oxygen." The cook reached the head of the bed, feeling the mattress, and once there, she opened her eyes with an apologetic look. "I truly deeply apologize. Aleksa and Andrey have just arrived."

"It's okay, Ana, these things happen. Tell them to wait in the garden and prepare breakfast for everyone. We'll be down in a moment."

"My apologies again." Romeo shook his head.

Adri got off the bed, giving me a look filled with warning, and she watched me, embarrassed. She still couldn't believe what had just happened.

I blinked several times as Romeo began to choke with laughter again as soon as the door closed.

"You should see your face," he mocked. I clutched the sheet against my body.

"Well, I don't find it funny at all! That child is going to carry a trauma for his whole life because of your stupidity. You're going to have to pay for a psychologist and explain to his girlfriend, boyfriend, or partner why he doesn't let them give him oral. Didn't you teach him to knock before entering?" He couldn't even answer me because he was laughing his head off. "Oh, come on! He thought you had ripped it off completely!"

"Well, he wasn't entirely wrong. You were sucking it so hard it almost came off," he managed to respond.

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Not there, I don't like that."

"I'm going to become the cocksucking stepmother when I talk with his friends!" A giggle bounced off his palate.

"We'll fix it, come on, come here," he said, extending his hand.

"Not on your life!"

"Weren't you the one who always finished what you started?" he asked, amused.

"There are times I'd rather jump ship than sink with it, I'm not the captain of the Titanic, and I remind you that our men are downstairs, they must want something if they've shown up together without warning."

"I doubt they'll mind if we make them wait a bit and nothing is more important right now than this."

He stood up pointing his cock to stalk me. He still maintained some splendor, why deny it.

"Seriously, with everything that's happened, you're in the mood?!" He reached for the end of the sheet that wrapped around me to playfully tug at it, causing me to crash against his torso.

"It's impossible, with what happened last night and what you were making me feel before we were interrupted, not to want

you." His intense gaze swept across my face.