"Exactly, the one that had formed between my legs. I need sex frequently, otherwise I collapse. At night I'm too exhausted to go hunting, so Jacobo seemed perfect for the task." I felt the vein in my neck throbbing. She glanced again at the boy with jelly knees. I was about to grab him by the neck and pull him away from Nikita to throw him down the stairs when I heard her snort— "Don't tell me you've lost your nerve!"
"I... I... I'm sorry. I c... can't do this." I was torn between laughter and murder. I opted for a middle ground and laughed inwardly, though I remained irritated.
"Get out!" Nikita snapped, annoyed.
The boy nearly fell flat on his face in his hurry to flee. He only managed to pull up his pants, even leaving the condom on.
As one would expect, he nearly soiled his underwear when I growled as he passed by me. I think I heard him bouncing down the stairs, which made me feel slightly better.
My wife got off the massage table without looking at me and stepped under a cold shower, judging by the way her skin goosebumped and her nipples turned hard as pebbles. I kept quiet, needing to think very carefully about what to say and why. Who was I angry with? Her? Myself? The fool who hadn't been able to satisfy her? Thinking of her enjoying the arms of another made me sick.
My head was spinning. I had agreed with Nikita that we both could sleep with anyone except employees and now, seeing her intimate with the masseur, I felt like tying his balls into a knot like a balloon.
I cleared my throat and tried to sound as mature as I didn't feel inside.
"I'm sorry your fling wasn't even up to the standards of a consolation prize."
Nikita turned off the water in the shower and glanced at me.
"Yeah, you look very sad."
I let out a low laugh, and she glared at me before getting into the jacuzzi.
I took the chance to undress, dripping with sweat, so I urgently needed a rinse.
"Honey, he had a misfire. It can happen to anyone..." I scrubbed vigorously over my body. "Call him when you're more relaxed, meet up tomorrow, and I promise not to interrupt," I said to see what she would say. If that kid showed up at our door again, I thought about calling his parents. There's no worse punishment than that.
"Not even as a joke. I'm going to delete his number off the face of the Earth. I should have chosen better." She sat with her back to me, her gaze fixed on the forest visible through the window in front of the jacuzzi. "His ad was too pretentious to be true. 'Guaranteed orgasm, or I pay you.' What nonsense. I'm considering suing him for fraud or at least dropping his rating on the website. I bet those three reviews he had were written by
himself." I almost choked on my own saliva.
"Did you find him on a dating site?" I asked, trying not to sound strangled.
"Where else? I needed a massage with a happy ending and I don't even have time to breathe with all these changes. Don't worry, he came with his medical certificate and he was wearing a condom. Though it didn't do him much good," she snorted. "Aren't guys supposed to be a hormone festival at twenty, ready to turn into a jackhammer?"
"I think yours was more of a rubber mallet," I laughed. Nikita raised her hand and flipped me off. "Look, not to defend him, but put yourself in his shoes. He was making love to a woman who could pass for a goddess, he must have been nervous about not measuring up, and, to top it off, he was interrupted by a guy in a bad mood, covered in tattoos, who didn’t seem too pleased with the scene. It's logical his snake turned into a little worm, maybe he was even a virgin," I joked.
"There you go, making things worse."
I turned on the water and soaped up thoroughly. Nikita submerged until she disappeared and emerged a few seconds later to turn around.
She was no longer looking at the forest, but at me. She rested her arms on the edge and let her chin fall on them. The water formed small rivulets making their way down that perfect face.
It was the first time she saw me without a shred of clothing. She evaluated every fold of my body covered in muscles and ink.
A sigh escaped her lips.
"You look like a squid in ink." Her observation made me laugh.
"Is that because of my tentacle?" I shook my member which showed a considerable size.
"For the whole package," she unabashedly replied and continued to gaze at my groin which responded to the scrutiny.
"I like squids, especially if they're as tasty as you."
Her eyes fluttered over my chest.