"Hello, darling, what a coincidence that we've chosen the same place to celebrate our wedding night," I quipped. "Luk, Mak, this is my newly minted husband. Romeo has lived up to his name and come to display his best romantic skills by the stroke of his cock. Some men give flowers and others are just dicks," I murmured sarcastically. "I'm not much for plants, so I prefer to drink from vases and mix it up." My nails wandered over the torsos of Kai's men. "A matter of taste. What's wrong, honey? Didn't Plastic Lips suck you well enough, or do you want to join the party? They say where two fit, three can too."
He had a very swollen vein on his neck, one that seemed to be the stem of one of those three red roses that adorned the side.
"Have you-left-my-son-alone-at-home?!" he bellowed, pausing between each word to emphasize them. "Where the hell is your damn brain?! In your pussy?!"
I was momentarily shocked; I didn't expect that question. I hadn't even thought about the damn kid when I took the motorcycle and left through the garage.
I wasn't his mother to have to be thinking about those things, damn it! I faced Romeo with a look of bad temper.
"When did you ever consider that you could go out to get laid and I had to stay at home? Adriano is your son, not mine. He's your responsibility. You should have called the babysitter before you took off without looking back. It's not my fault you're a bad father." I shrugged my shoulders.
"A bad father? You're a fucking crazy woman! Do you hear me? A heartless, ruthless woman. I only asked you one thing at the wedding, one single thing. That you would take care of my son."
"And, as I recall, I told you no. I'm not his mother, nor will I be. The only thing I'll agree with you on is that I am a heartless, ruthless woman. Yours. And if you'll excuse me, I didn't interrupt your romp, so don't screw up mine."
"You're the only one who's going to fuck you here, and not in the way you'd want!" he thundered, moving towards me, who was behind the guys' barrier.
He extended his arms intending to strangle me.
"I don't think that's the most advisable in his state, sir," Luk muttered coldly. "We will take care of Mrs. Koroleva, you would do well to relax a little and calm down."
"Calm down? Calm down?! Did you hear her? She left my little son alone at home to come here and fuck with you! Over my dead body if she thinks she's going to get away with it!" I saw how the two of Kai's bodyguards glanced at each other.
"I wouldn't stress so much, darling. They say too much stress kills those little swimmers in your redhead's stomach. You'd do well to explain to her that to get pregnant, they don't have to be eaten," I murmured sarcastically. "By the way, it would be good if you left, lest Child Protection gets a call from someone worried because a little one is alone in his father's mansion. Did you know they could take custody away from you for abandoning a minor?" His eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.
"Bitch!" he exclaimed, charging ruthlessly at the pair.
The club's patrons were beginning to get nervous. What was happening at La Torre was not the show they were expecting.
The guys wore an earpiece in their ear that kept them communicated at all times with Kai. I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Andrey, who was still stationed in a shadowy spot at the bar, waiting for any kind of order from me to attack.
Kai must have said something to that pair because Mak pressed the earpiece against his ear, they looked at each other for a fraction of a second, and blocked Romeo urging him to step down.
"Don't touch me!" my husband bellowed, being dragged away by both.
I took advantage of the intervention to pull myself together. I put on my top and laced up my pants.
My intention in coming was not to sleep with that pair of monuments. Today I was too tired. The only thing I intended was to put my husband in his place and, by the way, sour the redhead's night.
Romeo was going crazy. Now that I saw him, I was convinced that what hurt him the most was that I had left his offspring in the castle. Well, fuck him, I already told him I was not a fucking nanny.
Irene stepped into the arena and approached her lover to take advantage of the mess to her favor. Of course, vermin always sniff around for carrion.
"Really, how classy, to leave a defenseless child the first day he has a mother," she murmured.
That was the last straw. Glass, that was just what I needed, I grabbed the first one I could. It was held by some random hand and was thick.
I went straight for her and smashed it over her head.
Irene screamed as she felt the glass shatter against her skull.
After that, everything escalated.
Romeo was furious. Now that I saw him, I was convinced that what hurt him most was that I had left his offspring at the castle. Well, screw him, I already told him I was not a damn nanny.
Irene stepped into the arena and approached her lover to take advantage of the situation to her favor. Of course, the vermin always sniff around for carrion.
"Really, how low-class, to leave a defenseless child the first day he gets a mother," she murmured.