Some lucky man or woman from the audience would be invited to join. They would participate along with some of the workers from La Marca, who were highly coveted.
"I'm so glad you came to find me. Although I wasn't completely sure you would. You've married a harpy." Irene interrupted my thoughts and made me divert my gaze toward her.
I frowned. She pouted at me while letting her bra fall, showing her perfect breasts.
"Why do you say that?"
"Let's just say that Alicia and I met her in the bathroom. She threatened to kill us both. She's very violent and bold."
"And why did she do that?"
"I don't know. She barged into our conversation uninvited." Irene gave me a pout with an innocent face. Seeing what I had seen from Nikita, it didn't take much for her to jump in. "Somehow, she concluded that you and I had something. I think she saw you looking at me lustfully and that made her suspicious." I raised my eyebrows because I didn't remember looking at anyone other than my damn wife, although it could be. Irene had chosen a dress that suited her well. "That made me doubt whether you would come back to me or not, you know I've never asked you for a ring, and I wouldn't want us to stop seeing each other, even now that you're married."
She licked her lips flirtatiously and pulled down her panties. She kicked them aside and came over to me, swaying her hips.
My lover was a sensual woman, worked at a cosmetic clinic, and was always keen to look her best with the help of surgery.
We got along well in bed and had quite a bit of chemistry. Plus, as she said, she never demanded anything more than fun.
"Don't hold it against her. Nikita is a bit impulsive. In Russia, things work a bit differently," I murmured. I had to say something about my wife's inappropriate behavior.
"I've noticed, so, she..."
"I'm not with you to talk about her," I reproached her, grabbing her by the neck to kiss her hungrily.
If I met up with Irene, it was to forget her and cool down the heat I'd been storing all damn day. Nikita was more annoying than I had anticipated, but she turned me on tremendously, and that was something I couldn't control unless I vented. I had to get rid of the arousal that had been building since last night.
I lifted Irene effortlessly and walked over to the sofa. I sat down in front of the glass with her on my thighs.
Her fingers lightly unbuttoned my shirt. My tongue was still tangled with hers. Despite myself, I compared that kiss to the ones I had with Nikita.
My wife's kisses were much rougher, wilder, and hungrier. Nikita didn't ask for permission, she ravaged. Next to her, Irene seemed like a little mouse in front of a formidable black mamba.
I needed to stop thinking about her for my own good. Was she already asleep? Would she do it naked or dressed?
I shook off the thought when the redhead pulled my shirt down to uncover my chest. She purred at the sight of my muscles, ready, and moved even closer to travel down them with her tongue.
I let my head fall back while Irene snaked a trail of lips and saliva.
Dancing with my wife had tightened my pants. I remembered how hard she made me when she pressed against me.
I was panting when my lover reached my waistband. She unbuttoned it effortlessly and nibbled on the strip of skin above my underwear's elastic.
I was at the limit. She knew it. She looked at me with half-closed eyelids, taking small bites over the stiffness hidden beneath the fabric.
"Suck it!" I ordered hoarsely. Irene gave me a sly smile, and I lifted my hips so she could pull down my clothes and comply.
My dick welcomed her as soon as it was freed. Her greedy mouth licked the tense head to trace all my length and took my flesh under her tongue.
I gasped. She was good, one of the best I'd tried. What would Nikita be like with oral sex? At my question, my dick twitched, and I got angry. I couldn't control even a single one of my thoughts. Why? Was I that desperate for my wife?
I grabbed Irene's hair and pulled her. My lover gasped.
"I told you to suck it, not to savor it."
I was angry, annoyed with my damn mind that kept taking me back home.
"You're a bit bossy today. I like it when you get dominant; your wishes are my commands, R," she smiled. She returned to the head to engulf it.