And now I had him moaning under my body, his mouth tangled with mine, after his boss had asked him to coax the truth out of me. There was too much silence in our room and I was too accustomed to sharpening my senses not to hear it. Aleksa jumped out of bed and moved away so I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. It didn't matter to me what Romeo said afterward, I already knew enough. I wanted to see how far Aleksa was willing to go to obey his boss.
I moved my hand between our bodies and caressed him outside his pants. He was as hard as he was when he got up in the mornings. I moved my hand up and down, feeling that thickened erection.
I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled hard, popping all the buttons. Aleksa didn’t have anything other than shirts and pleated pants in his wardrobe, except for gym clothes. His being so dapper really did it for me.
I ran my tongue across his torso and traced a small scar on his clavicle, the size of a coin, unmistakably from a 9mm bullet impact.
He grunted, and did it again when I reached his right nipple and bit it, then blew cold air on it and sucked.
His hungry hands moved through my short hair.
I traced a wet path of tongue and bites across his abs until I reached the buckle of his belt. I sought his gaze, lost in my actions, watching with approval as I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
I grazed the cotton-wrapped member with my teeth.
"Fuck!" he sighed.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked hoarsely. "Or would you prefer I show you that you’re still alive because I desire you too much?"
A lethal glint touched his pupils, lasting just a fraction of a second, the time it took for him to wrap his thighs around my neck and choke me.
We started wrestling, reminding me of crocodile hunters. We scrambled on the floor, his technique admirable, overcoming my strength. It had been a long time since anyone had bested me. He had me cornered. My oxygen was failing, and no matter how much I tried to free myself, his grip was perfect. That only made me harder.
I had about five breaths left when he breathed into my lips and looked at me.
"You also desire me too much." —I liked that he had returned the gesture.
He didn't hesitate to go for the edge of my jeans while oxygen returned to my lungs, and he swallowed my cock without consideration.
I let out what would be a "fuck" in Russian, feeling that warm moisture enveloping my member eagerly. I moved my hips. His hand went up and down in rhythm with his tongue. It was fucking delightful. He licked my balls and ran his tongue all the way up the veiny shaft to the tip.
I grabbed his hair and pulled.
"I want your ass."
Aleksa smiled at me.
"Wish granted. I thought you'd never ask."
I offered a smile, and he returned it, amazed. He wasn't one to smile too often.
He stood up. He reached out his hand, I grabbed it, and I pressed against him to kiss. We licked and rubbed each other hungrily. Aleksa took off my shirt to explore my torso with his hands. I dragged him and pushed him against the sofa's armrest to pull down his pants, his underwear, and spread his buttocks. I brought one of my fingers to his mouth to suck while I jerked him off. Aleksa moaned, and I was eager for what was to come.
"I have a condom in my wallet," he informed, as I took my finger from his mouth and began to lubricate his entrance.
"I'll grab it before I go in, don't worry," he nodded and let it happen.
I stimulated him gently. His ass welcomed me. I went in, pulled out, spat, dilated him; I bit his buttocks and masturbated by rubbing against his skin. He did the same.
"I'm ready," he gasped, surrendered. I knew he was; I had already slipped a couple of fingers inside him and they moved fluidly.
I bent down and grabbed the wallet to put on the condom. I moistened his masculine buttocks again before positioning my glans and making my way in.
Aleksa gasped, half of it was inside; I had always been large and there were guys who couldn’t take me all.
"Can you take more?" I asked cautiously.
"Put it in gear and go deep, I want all of it. I can handle that and more." I laughed hoarsely.