Page 155 of Truly Madly Deeply

“Mr. Casablancas.” She motioned toward the documents with the strained smile of someone who really loathed their job. “I’m happy to go over the fine print and answer any questions.”

“That won’t be necessary. I really don’t give one shit what’s in it.” Hell wasn’t hot enough for most of the people in this town. I was tempted to pack up Mom and Dylan and take them with me to London. The only thing stopping me was the slight chance Tucker was man enough to want to raise his child.

“Wish I’d known all it’d take was a little prickle to take the air out of you.” Tate gave me a once-over, folding his arms over his chest. “I’d have stabbed you myself.”

“Wouldn’t doubt it,” Gia muttered under her breath.

“Uh-huh.” I plucked the pen from her fingers, jotting my signature over the dotted lines as fast as I could. “Good luck winning the people of Staindrop over.”

Tate chuckled. “Not looking to make friends here.”

I tossed the pen on the documents and grabbed my ball cap, pushing it down my forehead. “Anything else?”

Tate picked up the contract, grinning at it as he waved me off. “All good. When are you getting to London?”

“January first.”

“Want a ride?”

“Would rather hang on to a baby-oiled airplane wing to get there.”

“I’d pay good money to see that.” He rubbed his chin. “I have a table booked at La Vie en Rogue on opening day. See you then.”

“Can’t fucking wait.”

I slammed the door behind me.


“Surely she’s not going to stay this ugly forever, right?” Dylan peered at Gravity, who nestled in my arms in my mom’s kitchen. “Neither Tuck nor I have a Gonzo nose.”

“Dylan!” Mom flapped the kitchen towel, marching toward her from the laundry room. “Da oggi si cambia musica!”

Dylan hopped off the counter stool, dodging the towel smacks. “My kid, my opinion! Also, I’m the one whose boob she’s attached to twenty-four seven. I’m sacrificing my killer cleavage for her.”

“She’s latching beautifully.” My mother’s face softened in an instant, and she started folding the towel. “I’m proud that you didn’t give up.”

“How could I?” Dylan sighed. “She’s not vying for a Miss Universe title with this face, is she? I have to make sure her IQ is higher than average. Apparently, breastfeeding does that.”

“Come ti ho fatto, ti distruggo!” Mom was back to chasing Dylan around the house. “I should wash your mouth out with soap.”

I peered down at Gravity’s little face. She was sound asleep in my arms. At three days old, most of her forehead hair had fallen off, but she still looked like an old, stern man. Contrary to Dylan’s opinion, I thought she looked a lot like Tuck.

“She doesn’t know your struggles.” I nuzzled my nose in her cheek. She smelled so pure. “You’re going to grow up to be beautiful and brave, and Uncle Row will be ready with a baseball bat when that happens.”

Gravity stirred in my arms, sniffling. Dylan zipped toward me in a flash, already unstrapping her bra under her oversized shirt. “Shit. She hasn’t snacked in two hours. She’s going to maul me.”

I handed my niece over to her like she was a hot potato. My life was miserable enough these days without adding watching my baby sister flash me to my list of unfortunate incidents.

“I’ll be in my room, feeding her.”

“I’ll be upstairs doing the laundry.” Mom planted a kiss on my forehead. “Should I stop by your room and do yours?”

“Thanks, Ma. Already done mine.”

I’d moved here the minute I had gotten discharged from the hospital. There was no point returning to the inn after I’d signed Tate’s contract. Word had gotten out fast, and everyone in town was officially done with my ass. Just as well, as Descartes was entering its last days of operation before shutting down.

On the flip side, it looked like Menchin had finally started taking his job seriously. When he’d visited me at the hospital, he had promised there’d be a police car outside of Descartes until we closed shop and had made good on his word.