Page 90 of Truly Madly Deeply

“Tartare means raw. Fixing stupid is above my pay grade.”

“Respectfully, your pay grade is too generous for anything short of curing cancer.” Rhy sauntered in, grabbing a stress ball from my desk and giving it a squeeze. “Anyway, he wants to know what to do.”

“If Taylor wants a shot at wiping tables at La Vie en Rogue, not to mention joining me in the kitchen, he needs to pull himself together and rise to the occasion. We don’t serve well-done steak. They can go to Applebee’s for that.”

“You need to go to the kitchen,” Rhy reiterated, setting the ball back down.

“Row…” Cal said tentatively.

“No,” I barked, still staring at Rhyland. “Final answer. Now leave.”

Cal glanced between us sheepishly, slowly rising to her feet.

“Not you.” I whipped my head in her direction. “Him.”

“I don’t wanna cause any trouble.” Cal shook her head. “I can wait here by myself. I mean, I’m stuck on this Best Fiends level, anyway.”

A knock sounded from the door.

“What now?” I stood up, ready to murder someone. Kieran, ideally.

“I’m sorry he is a sociopath,” Rhy told Cal.

“It’s okay.” She gave him two thumbs up. “Totally not your fault.”

A man in an old-school leather jacket and a checked accountant button-down shirt walked in, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Hello, I’m Dr. O’Hara.”

“Thank goodness you’re here!” Cal slapped a hand to her chest dramatically. “Chef over here needs you to remove the stick from his ass. Oh, and while you’re here, mind stitching my forehead?”


oBITCHuary: Favorite movie?

McMonster: The Wrestler.

oBITCHuary: RUDE. Ask me what’s mine.

McMonster: I already know.

oBITCHuary: Well?

McMonster: Little Miss Sunshine.


McMonster: RIGHT. Stop lying.

oBITCHuary: FINE. It’s a masterpiece and I stand behind my decision. Steve Carell’s best work to date.

McMonster: Gotta have a good memory when you lie all the time. You need to keep track.

oBITCHuary: Exactly. Keeping my brain active. That’s smart thinking. Favorite color? DON’T SAY BLACK.

McMonster: Purple. Yours is orange.


McMonster: I pay attention. Favorite word?