Page 72 of Truly Madly Deeply

“You trust me?” I asked. My heart picked up speed. Probably a minor heart attack. Nothing to worry about.

“Not to kill me, I guess.”

We were headed toward Mom, Dylan, and Kieran, who were still loitering by the Silverado, pointing at faulty street cameras and making some calls. Bystanders were bracketing them, gasping and taking pictures. Great. More humans. Wasn’t I lucky.

“Have you started running again?” I asked.

“Next question.”

I pierced her with a look. She reddened, picking up an orange leaf from the street and twisting it between her fingers by the stem. “Ugh. It’s hard, okay?”

“Anything worth doing is.” I stopped by my truck, fighting the urge to kick it in frustration. I also wanted a cigarette, but I didn’t want another lecture. Cal shoved the leaf into her hair, like it was a feather in a cap.

“So…” Kieran clucked his tongue, looking between us. Uh-huh. What was he going to do next? Tell us that the night was dark? Winter was cold? Cats were superior to dogs? “My car’s parked right here, in case you need a ride.” He motioned toward a gunmetal Maybach.

“My feet thank you, good sir.” Dylan patted his back, already strutting toward his car. Mom followed her, and Kieran unlocked the car so they could slide in and wait in the warmth.

“Thank you, Kieran. How lovely of you to offer.” Mom rearranged the thick, silky scarf on her neck as she slid in.

Cal looked between me and him, and for a moment I had the idiotic hope she was going to choose to stay here with me and figure out my truck shit.

“Row, are you coming?” Cal asked.

“No,” I said stiffly. “You go.”

She tilted her chin up, squinting at the sky. “Gonna rain soon.”

“I ain’t made out of sugar.”

“Don’t I know it.” A tired smile twisted her pink lips. “Cyanide, maybe. Don’t be so stubborn. Come.”

“I’m good.”

She shook her head, throwing me a frustrated look. “I swear, your ego is the most giant thing I’ve seen.”

“That’s not true, and we both know it.”

That made her blush down to her toes. Her face was so pink, she looked sunburned.

“See you at work tomorrow?” She bit at the side of her thumb.

“Unfortunately.” Fuck. No more rides together. I should not feel as disappointed as I did. I hated our rides together. Spent the majority of them lecturing her.

“Okay. So…bye?” she squeaked.


I kept my back to Kieran’s Maybach as I called my insurance. Maybe the bastard was reformed after all, but it didn’t matter either way.

Nice guys didn’t always finish last.

But if this specific one wasn’t careful, he’d end up in my trunk.


oBITCHuary: Okay, I have a confession to make.

McMonster: If it can end up with a criminal charge, I’d rather not know.