Page 41 of Truly Madly Deeply

I got it. We couldn’t do this to Dylan. Act on this attraction. Throw caution to the wind. Nothing was worth letting her down. Not even a taste of heaven. And besides, what good would it do me? I’d probably puke in his mouth from fear once he had his hands on me. My whole body felt like he’d set it on fire, tight and sensitive to the touch, and I wondered what would happen if he actually did touch me.

His gaze glided to my lips. I felt like he’d wrapped me in a soft, warm blanket. Like the universe had shrunk around us and we’d become the very center of it. Mostly, I felt safe because even when he was angry, he was my comfort object.

“I just…” My voice was strangled, pained. “I just can’t stand the idea that you hate me. I don’t know why. I just can’t.”

“I don’t hate you.” He couldn’t help himself. He raised his hand and picked at the string of my bikini, careful to avoid my skin, rolling the thin material between his thumb and finger. We both watched, transfixed. “I so don’t hate you it’s not even fucking funny.”

I pressed myself against the railings, closed my eyes, and enjoyed his proximity. No touching. No lines being crossed. Just his heat pulsating next to mine, feeding off each other’s energy.

“Your little sister’s annoying extension, right?” I gulped.

“No, Cal.” His nostrils flared. “Nothing about how I feel for you is sisterly.”

His fingers rolled south—still only touching my bikini string—skimming the area where the cord met the triangle covering my breast. It was so obvious my nipples were hard. I opened my eyes and saw how his stare glided to my breasts. My own gaze slid down, and I found him hard behind his jeans, his dick nearly poking my center. On instinct, I arched my back from the banister, my pussy meeting his cock through our clothes. Neither of us breathed for a second.

This was wrong. We were crossing a line now, and we both knew it.

“Ever wondered what it might feel like?” he surprised me by asking.

“What?” My voice was hoarse, my heart hammering its way out of my chest, cracking the bones embracing it, one beat at a time.

“Kissing each other.”

All the time. “No.” I shook my head, arching farther, my center meeting his, the imprint of his dick jamming the slit of my pussy through our clothes. So delicious, so empty. “Never.”

“Fuck, Dot.” He gave my bikini string a rough tug, loosening its hold. The right triangle dislodged, falling slightly, exposing the plump mound of my breast and one pink nipple. “You’re always pretty, but especially when you lie.”

“You think I’m pretty?” I bloomed beneath his gaze like a flower opening its petals to welcome the sun’s rays. His eyes were on my breast, and panic swirled through me. The forbiddance of it all turned me on. The idea that Dylan could walk in on us any minute now and catch us. It made me even wetter.

“I think you’re a liar too.” His tongue traced his lower lip, eyes still on my nipple. “I think you lie all the time, to make people around you feel better. Don’t you care about that?”

“No.” I struggled to swallow, feeling his dick pulsating, growing even harder and thicker between my thighs. “Because now I think I know why you cut me out of all those pictures.”

I was bluffing. Lying again. Because it frightened me that he saw through me. Through my act.

He placed his rough, warm palm on the base of my neck, stepping back to remove his dick from my core, and tilted my head up so our eyes were locked in a war, releasing the most devastating words I’d ever heard in the English language. “I wasn’t the one who cut you out, Dot,” he said. “Dylan did.”


oBITCHuary: Well, I’m officially employed.

McMonster: Should I pop the champagne?

oBITCHuary: No. Save it. I’ll smash it on my new boss’s head when I get desperate.

McMonster: Hmm. Promising start.

oBITCHuary: The man legit despises me, Mac.

McMonster: I have a nickname now?


McMonster: Right. Shitty boss. Why does he despise you?

oBITCHuary: I think because I once slept with him and it ended up with a lot of drama and zero orgasms for me. He was my first. And…well, my last. Pathetic, right?

McMonster: IDK. Maybe if he knew all that background he wouldn’t hate you?