Page 28 of Truly Madly Deeply

I went through the box the entire night, alternating between giggling and sobbing.

Bucket list: kiss Stephen Henry. And Kyle Cowen. And Ray Mohringer —Cal.

A miserable smile slashed my face. Teenage Cal had pretended to be boy-crazy. I didn’t even remember these boys’ faces and definitely hadn’t wanted to kiss them for real. But I had longed to appear normal, like other girls. Dylan had been privy to all of my made-up crushes during high school. I’d fed her lies—about who I liked, who I wanted to kiss and date; no wonder she hated that I’d hooked up with Row. She thought her brother was just another notch in my belt.

Birthday wish: cake made out of something gross like broccoli or cauliflower so I can force everyone to “celebrate” with me by eating it —Cal.

This last one made my heart stop in my chest. Three years ago, on my birthday, I had gotten a special delivery of a gross cake during a shift at the restaurant where I had been working. It had had broccoli, cream cheese, rhubarb, and a few other cake-looking ingredients and had actually been surprisingly decent. It had tasted like a veggie casserole.

I had figured it was a joke my mom had played on me and hadn’t worried too much when she’d vehemently denied sending it.

Could Dylan be the one who had sent it?

Was that her way of reaching out to me? Had I missed this crucial sign?

Well, I wasn’t missing any more of them. I was going to win Dylan’s friendship back.

As soon as the sun pierced through the clouds, I started working.


oBITCHuary: I think I’m going to make a move.

McMonster: Like…ask a guy out?

oBITCHuary: OMFG NO. I’m going to try to win my old best friend back.

McMonster: Sweet.

McMonster: What made you grow apart?

oBITCHuary: Ugh. I did something stupid.

McMonster: ?

oBITCHuary: Her brother.

McMonster: ??

oBITCHuary: Jk. He is not stupid. Just scary. And hot. And scary. We slept together.

McMonster: Is he why you are afraid of men?

oBITCHuary: Actually, no. In fact, he is the only person I’ve managed to be intimate with since I got scared off in the first place.

McMonster: Sounds like a nice guy.

oBITCHuary: Nice? No. Good? Yes. There’s a difference between the two. He taught me the hard way.


“Basket Case”—Green Day

It was a humbling experience, standing in the pissing rain on Dylan’s doorstep with a baking dish swathed in foil, shivering in my ladybug rainboots as Zeta Casablancas regarded me with the suspicion of a prison guard.

“Calla, cucciolotta, I am so sorry for your loss.” She sniffled through the tiny crack in the door.

Not sorry enough to let me in, I thought uncharitably.