“When did you realize you were gay?” Dane asked as he popped open a beer.

“I was twelve when I started noticing boys instead of girls. Earlier, really. But I had this friend who slept over all the time, and I used to have to hide my erections from him at night. He had no idea and loved to wrestle. Those matches turned into a kind of hell for me. It got to where I’d come up with any excuse to keep him away from me. Did you always know you were bisexual?”

“Kind of. I knew I was interested in both, but it wasn’t until…Katie…and I broke up when I was nineteen that I knew for sure. I was so damn nervous that night, but so excited, too. I felt bad later, when we got back together. Felt like I’d cheated on her.”

“You two were together a long time.”

“Through most of high school and then later.” He looked down at his bottle. “She was also my best friend. I loved her so much. Losing her nearly killed me.”

Clay reached across to lay his hand on Dane’s arm. “I’m so sorry,” Clay said, voice low.

Dane placed his hand over Clay’s and managed a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Anyway, my first experience with another man showed me that I was definitely into both sexes. You have to understand, I never felt like I was missing something with my wife, though.”

“I know it doesn’t work that way.” Clay snagged a beer from the cooler. He’d never understood why some people believed bisexual people couldn’t be happy with one sex. Love was love. “Did Katie know?”

“She did. It took her awhile to be comfortable with it, though. After a time, she started pointing out hot guys in shows to me.” Dane cast his lure out again. “She was something.”

He knew it wasn’t a competition, but what did Dane see in him? Yeah, they’d agreed to keep things casual, but here they were on a real date. He knew they’d have sex again—it had been too damn good not to chase that pleasure. But could they have more?

No, he didn’t plan to stay.

But if he did, what if they did try for something more? Something that included dates and waking up together.

If anyone was going to tempt him it was Dane Briggs.

Dane looked out over the water. “I would like to be with you again, but I’d like to get to know you more first. Would that be okay?”

“Of course. What else would you like to know?”

Chuckling, Dane reeled in his line. “You thinking I can get to know you all in one day?”

“A man can do his best.” Clay winked.

“You said you have a family. Do you miss them when you travel?”

“I do. I try to get back to see them as often as possible, but something has always been calling me to keep going. Keep moving.”

“You share that in common with Baer and Grey. Me, I’ve always wanted to stay right here. I wouldn’t mind vacations elsewhere, but I love Georgia. Love everything about it. Even with my in-laws here.”

Clay frowned. He was afraid to step into that minefield. Anything tied to Dane’s wife was dangerous and painful territory, and his wife’s family was definitely part of that. But, it seemed rude to not ask. “You don’t get along with them either? I noticed, of course, that Greg’s a problem.”

Dane sighed, his gaze dropping to the pole in his hands. “Thing is, I was always a part of the family. But after what happened, they couldn’t stand to be around me. Too painful, I guess.” Dane cast out again, giving the line small jerks as he reeled.

“What about your own family?”

“They’re here.”

“If they were to see you out with me, what would they think?”

“They’d be fine with it. They know about my sexuality. I’ve never hidden it. Thing is, after Katie, I’ve always thought I’d be more comfortable with men from here on out. A woman might remind me too much of Katie.”

“What about—” he broke off. Kids seemed as dangerous a topic as his in-laws.

Dane flashed him a knowing smile. “Kids?”

“I’m sorry. That was stupid of me.”

Dane was quiet for a few moments. “I loved being a dad. Loved it so much, I’d looked forward to all it would entail. I do want to have kids—I just don’t know that I will ever get to a place where I have them. Do love them, though. You should have seen my son, Clay. He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”

Fuck, Clay’s heart broke. He had to look away from Dane because his eyes watered. He could not imagine the pain of losing a child. Dane was made of strong stuff.

“I’m bringing down this date, and I didn’t want to do that. It’s my first in a long, long time. So, tell me about the men you’ve dated.”