At the end of the backyard, Clay caught sight of Dane moving from his apartment along the rear porch. He lifted his hand in greeting and Clay returned it, his heart beating just a little faster.

No, maybe this time it was even better than before.Chapter 13Dane whistled for Ruby as he carried some sandwiches out to the patio. He already loved Baer’s dog. Maybe he should get a dog once he moved out of the garage apartment.

Bright sunlight shone down on his head and something scurried in the underbrush nearby. Cicadas sang in the trees, their sound a loud cacophony of music. Ruby ran up to him, and he grinned at the sweet dog before she took off after whatever was stirring in the leaves.

To his relief, he and Clay had fallen back into their relaxed camaraderie after a few days of lingering awkwardness. Dane was still reeling over the sex with Clay. It had been better than he’d ever thought sex with a man would be. He could still almost feel what it had been like to be inside Clay. How hot and tight he’d been. How sexy the later blowjobs had been. He fucking loved having a dick in his mouth.

They’d left it at casual, but he wanted it to happen again.

A lot.

Ruby barked just as Clay came striding out of the trees, and Dane’s heart skipped a beat. The man was just damn beautiful with the shadows cast by the trees caressing his face. He saw Dane and a smile widened his lips.

“I’ve got another sandwich if you’re hungry,” Dane said, gesturing at the wrapped food on the table.

“Sounds good.” Clay settled at the table across from him and picked up the sandwich. “Roast beef and swiss? My favorite. Sure you don’t want it?”

Dane shook his head. “I shouldn’t have made two today. It was one of my breakfast days.” He watched the woods for a moment and turned to Clay. “Baer and Grey not with you today?”

“They’re still out there.” He winked and spoke around the bite of food in his mouth. “I was hungry.”

Starving by the way he was wolfing down that sandwich. Dane wished he had another to give him. He thought about the leftovers he’d stored from his dinner the night before, with plans to eat them tonight. “I have some fried chicken left over, too, if you’re still hungry.”

“Fried chicken?” Clay’s eyes widened. “That’s my favorite food in the world.”

Chuckling, Dane finished his sandwich and stood. “I’ll be right back.”

He refused to acknowledge the thrill he felt at feeding Clay, but he couldn’t wait to see Clay’s face when he tried the chicken. Dane had worked hard to perfect his recipe and knew it was pretty good. He fixed a plate with a drumstick and thigh—his two favorite pieces—and added a heaping spoonful of homemade coleslaw.

Clay’s face when he saw the food was present enough.

“Wow. You eat like this all the time? If so, I may be knocking on your door at night.”

“I make the chicken a couple of times a month. I’ve always enjoyed cooking.”

Clay bit into the drumstick and his eyes rolled. “Oh, that’s damn good. You should enter it in a fair or something. Would take first place for sure.”

Dane laughed. “I don’t know of any fairs that have fried chicken contests. What era do you think we live in?”

Clay paused and tilted his head. “I have no idea why I said that. Weird. Must have been a flashback to a former life.”

“You believe in that? Reincarnation?”

“Never used to.” He shrugged and wiped his hands on a napkin. “But this is a vast world, and I’ve seen things I can’t explain, so who knows? You?”

Dane shook his head. “No, it’s not something that ever made sense to me.” Just the thought of his wife and son being reborn filled him with…hope…maybe even relief. It was nice to think their souls might be out there experiencing life again.

The happiness he’d felt over sharing his meal trickled away under the weight of his grief.

“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you? Your wife and son?” Clay’s voice was low and soft, as if he could enfold Dane in a hug with only his words.

Dane nodded, his eyes locked on the wet ring left on the table by his drink. “I do every single day.”

“I can’t imagine losing a family like that, Dane. I’m so sorry.”

“I just take things day by day. Most aren’t as bad as they used to be. I’ll always miss them. Always wish I’d been home that night, but I’m learning that I can’t change the past and I have to accept that.”

They were quiet then as Clay finished his food. He wiped his mouth and smiled at Dane, and just like that, his belly fluttered.

“I meant it. That’s the best fried chicken I’ve ever had. What’s your secret?”