She’d named him Forest.
About two weeks before I’d broken up with her, she’d laughed at some video she was watching, and had then asked me what I would name my son or daughter if and when I’d ever had kids.
Since it wasn’t something I’d ever thought about, I’d taken my time, thinking of what I would name a child. I’d come up with the name Forest for a boy. I’d joked that I’d call him For for short, which would eventually get nicknamed even further to Quad, like my grandfather had gone by in his days as a police officer.
Though, she’d only listened for the first half of my explanation. Hadn’t cared to hear about anything to do with my grandfather, his nickname, or why I’d call him that.
I guess I should be lucky she named him Forest.
At this point, with the name, the birthmark, and the way the kid had my hair… there was little doubt who he belonged to.
“That’s a cute name,” Pepper murmured quietly.
The officer flashed her a grin.
“Was in the car for twenty-seven minutes according to the cameras,” he said. “Social worker was contacted. She should be here…”
“She’s here,” I croaked. “In with him now.”
“Good,” Officer Augilar said.
“Thank you for looking into it,” I offered him my hand.
“Wish I didn’t have to, bruh,” he admitted. “Kids are the worst calls.”
I agreed.
I fucking agreed.
I bet someone’s mom was using me as a bad example when I was younger.
—Pepper’s secret thoughts
30 minutes before
“Hello?” I answered the phone.
“Oh my God,” Maven said. “Shut the shop down right now and go to Atlas.”
The urgency in her voice, paired with Atlas’s name, was enough to send my thoughts into a tailspin.
I froze.
“What?” I breathed.
“Atlas is at the hospital! He covered Quaid’s shift today so that Quaid could go to the lake resort park with us in Henderson.” She spoke quickly.
“Oh my God. Is he okay?” I gasped, already snapping my fingers at the customers who were lingering with their Danish they’d just purchased. “What hospital?”
They left quickly at my words, not getting upset like I thought they might.
I locked the door behind them and rushed to the back to get my purse.
“He’s okay, but Pepper. He just found out he had a baby,” she cried.
I stilled.