And couldn’t stop myself from letting go.
From reaching for her clit after letting her nipple go.
I circled it once when she started to come.
So. Fucking. Responsive.
My balls drew up, and I started to go right along with her, pulsing hot jets of cum inside of her with each thrust of my cock.
“Oh, God,” she breathed, her body sprawling. “What the hell was that?”
I pulled away, my gaze going to the mess we’d made, and reached forward to wipe it all away with the white towel.
“Gonna need to bleach this,” she breathed, eyes closed.
I grinned and pulled away, going back to the shower and turning it on.
When it was hot, I came back to the bed and gathered her into my arms.
Together we took another shower.
Only when we were dried off and once again in bed did she ask the inevitable.
“Why are you here?” she whispered.
I looked at the ceiling.
At our bodies plastered together in the mirror that was facing toward us.
“I had a weird day today,” I said. “I didn’t know what to do.”
Didn’t want to arrest you.
My every instinct had said that it was wrong, but fuck.
I really hadn’t had a choice.
“I thought you were fired?” I said before she could reply to my earlier statement.
“I was,” she hedged.
I looked over at her then.
“Did you blackmail them to get your job back?” I wondered.
She shrugged. “I did what I had to do.”
I didn’t want to know.
Well, I did.
But it might be best not to, just so I could have plausible deniability.
Nobody offers to show me a cool rock they found anymore. Adulthood is so dumb.
—Atlas to Pepper