But what if they decided to send even more of it into the wild? How quickly would it make its way through the creeks and streams? What about the drinking water? Very few people had wells in Firelight Ridge. They depended on rainwater and filtered stream water. Did the filters screen out the omegavirus?
What if it got into Snow River, which flowed all the way to the ocean?
Ani gripped Sergeant Thomson’s shoulder. “Can you communicate with them? With Gil and the others?”
“Tell them the bad guys might be planning to infect the waterways with the omegavirus.”
“What? Why would they do that?”
“I don’t know. Just pass the word. We can’t let that happen.”
Sergeant Thomson nodded and spoke into her radio, while Ani launched an inward chanting prayer. Please let everyone be okay. Please be okay. Don’t let anyone else get hurt.
The helicopter turned back toward the area where the gunfire had come from.
“What now?” Ani asked the sergeant. “What do they want us to do?”
“We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing, distract them, then land when it’s safe so we get those kids home. We’re going to need you.” She gave Ani a sharp glance, probably noting her slightly green complexion. “Are you up for it?”
“Sergeant Thomson, you’re talking to the new Ani, who is really just the old Ani I’ve always been, and I am up for anything.”
Gil pulled the others in for a huddle. “Nyx, what do you think Victor’s mental state is right now, based on your knowledge of the fungus he’s been taking?”
“No telling.” Nyx shook his head, his eyes shadowed. “He thinks he’s saving the world, right? He might do something dramatic.”
Lachlan nodded his agreement. “Victor has a flair for drama. I hate to say it, but I don’t trust him to do the right thing right now.”
“If we can get those kids out, I say we go for it,” Sam agreed. He glanced at the soldier. “I know we’re supposed to wait, but if something bad happens while we’re just hanging out in this tunnel…”
“Yeah, fuck that,” Gil agreed. He turned to Walters. “We need to get those kids out if we can.”
Walters’ comms crackled, and he stepped away to speak to his commander. When he came back, his face was grim. “They’re saying to watch out for a canister of the virus. These people might try to release it into the water.”
Nyx clapped a hand to his forehead. “Fuck, that’s how they were strong-arming Victor. They were threatening to dump the omega into the water if he didn’t hand over his research. But he didn’t care because he had his magic mushroom cure, even though it doesn’t actually work. That’s why they grabbed the kids.”
“Maybe they already did a test run, and that’s why there’s a mini-outbreak. It’s just a few cases, but…”
Lachlan finished the thought. “But they could do it again, even worse this time. If their backs are up against the wall, who knows what they might do.”
“We can’t let that happen. We need to find where they’re keeping the virus,” Gil said. The others nodded in agreement, the ring of faces showing everything ranging from grimness to determination.
He looked down the tunnel toward the pile of rocks that blocked the entrance to the cave. “What do you think the chances are that they’re using those kids as human shields and that the virus is inside that cave?”
“The generator could be running cold storage,” said Lachlan. “And there’s likely a runoff stream somewhere close by. I’d say the chances are pretty good.”
With a worried frown, Sam looked from Gil to Corporal Walters. “I don’t think we can wait. Not with Firelight Ridge on the line. We’re all here to help, just tell us what to do.”
Gil nodded to the corporal, deferring to him. Walters assessed the four of them, then quickly issued his directions. “You three, stay back here and help with the kids once they come out. Gil and I will go in, since we’re the only ones armed. We’ll deal with the guards, then locate the canister. First priority is to get the kids out.”
Gil nodded, since that was exactly how he would have planned it. Except for one thing. “Nyx should come with us. Those kids will trust him more than us.”
“Fine,” the corporal agreed. “Nyx, stay back behind the rocks, out of the line of fire. Once we get the kids out, you work with Sam and Lachlan.”
Nyx nodded eagerly. Gil figured he was happy for the chance to redeem himself.
“I can find us a good escape route,” said Lachlan. He met Gil’s eyes, and didn’t have to use words to express what both of them were feeling—be careful. Get out safely. See you on the other side.