“Ooh, sounds juicy, any names or identifying details?” asked Lila.
Molly shook her head. “Client confidentiality. Which is nearly impossible around here, but I have to try.”
Charlie turned to Lila. “Has anyone asked about me at The Fang?”
“Definitely. Pinky Barker wants to date you. He asked if you would prefer a homemade meal in his treehouse or to show you how to pan for gold in the creek.”
“Pan for gold, hands down,” Charlie said promptly. “But don’t tell him that.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I told them all that you’re unavailable because you’re nursing a broken heart.”
“All? Who’s all?”
“All. All the men. They all ask about you. Literally every unmarried man in Firelight Ridge has asked about the blond with the red car.”
“Red! How is Red?” she asked Molly.
“Red might need a new name. I’m thinking Dusty would work.”
Charlie pulled an apologetic face. “I’m going to get her detailed as soon as I get a break up here.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Molly waved her off. “You’re safer up here.”
“By the way, a few people know that you’re working here,” said Lila, “but most don’t. That makes it a pretty well-kept secret around here, all things considered.”
If a few knew, Nick could certainly find out.
Charlie sighed and shook out her hair from her hostessing twist. “Couldn’t you come up with something better than a broken heart? No one who knows me would ever believe that.”
“It was all I could think of.” Lila smiled at her in apology. “I’m very sorry, but your fiancé left you at the altar and you’ve sworn off men forever.”
“Never! Men are too much fun—at the right time, in the right place, and in the right dosage.”
“Yes, we know your motto,” Molly said dryly. “But we don’t completely buy it.”
Lila licked the rim of her Lemon Drop. “You know, recently I got to know a man who I thought might be perfect for you.”
Charlie brightened. A fling would certainly help ease the stress of being on the run. “Do tell.”
“You know who I’m talking about.”
Charlie flicked a droplet of wine at her. Lila kept insisting that she’d misjudged Nick Perini. “Why do you keep saying that, after what Nick did? And may still be doing?”
“What are you talking about?”
Charlie told them about the mysterious listening device housekeeping had found.
“How could that possibly be Nick’s doing? Maybe it was a jealous spouse trying to eavesdrop on their cheating partner.” Lila’s eyes went dreamy in that way that meant her imagination was going wild. “Or maybe some international spies are hiding out here.”
“April was kind of weird about it.”
“Well, there you go,” said Lila. “It’s obviously someone who has a crush on her. Oh, I bet it’s Solomon. He moons around after her like she’s the only woman on earth.”
Molly’s phone chimed. She flashed the name at them—Sam—and stepped away from the table to take the call.
“Remember the camera you found near the hardware store? I wonder if it’s related,” Lila mused.
Charlie tipped her glass of ice-cold gin to her lips. “That was Nick’s camera.”