“She was designated to watch over me when we were younger. Something of a nursemaid, but horrible.” Princess Calisza giggled. “I think I was the one watching over her most times.”
Rykaia elbowed her and smiled. “Tell me we didn’t have the best adventures, and you’ll be lying.”
“I miss those innocent adventures.” The smile on her face faded, and once again, I was reminded of the impending ritual. “Will you be here for the ceremony?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it,” Rykaia lied.
Or perhaps she’d lied to me.
“Good. I’ll feel better knowing there’s a familiar face.” She kissed the back of Rykaia’s hands. “I’m afraid I must make the rounds and mingle.” On those parting words, she padded off.
“We’ll leave before it begins.” Rykaia leaned into me and spoke low. “Just let me show myself, so she knows I’m there.” The solemnity in her tone told me that she felt uneasy about the ceremony, too. “Once it begins, I doubt she’ll care to look at anyone in the crowd.”
“I still cannot believe that poor girl will be forced to do that as a spectacle.”
“How was your first?”
I snapped my attention from hers and cleared my throat.
“You’ve not had a first, have you? Perhaps my brother isn’t the best match for you, then. I understand, from the others at the brothel, he can be a bit on the rough side.”
“Perhaps we can change the subject?” Glancing around the room, I fought the curiosity that her comment had just stirred. “He visits brothels?” Not that there was anything wrong with that. Zevander just didn’t strike me as someone who got lost in the frivolities of sex.
She shrugged and looked out over the crowd. “Mostly during his moon cycle. Hasn’t been in a while, as I understand.”
“Moon cycle?”
She groaned and shook her head. “That’s the time to stay away from him. If you think he’s grumpy now, you’ve not seen him when both moons cross.”
Still without a clue as to what she was talking about, I frowned. “Why would he be cranky?”
“Imagine your body insisting on fucking more hours of the day than not. All Lunasier men suffer the dreaded moon cycle, which is why we have such a bountiful population and far more Nilivir than any other country.” She raised her goblet up. “Nature’s finest plan,” she said, and sipped her drink. “Would you like a first?”
I recoiled at the question. “What? Absolutely not. What does that mean?”
“The men in loincloths make themselves available to anyone who might become … aroused.”
“Aroused by a young girl forced to bed a man in front of hundreds of people? That’s repulsive.”
“People are repulsive. But your reasoning would be different.”
“I don’t feel the need, but thank you for your concern.”
Rykaia chuckled and sipped from her goblet. “I saw him corner you. What for?”
“The mage we spoke with earlier. Anatolis. I’ve seen him. In Mortasia.”
“Are you serious?”
“Very. Your brother is going to speak with him.”
“My brother is going to kill him. Mark my words.”
“What for?” He’d certainly threatened as much, but I was curious to know why she thought so.
“For having looked at you the way he did.”
“How could he have possibly–” But it occurred to me, it was entirely possible. In fact, it was quite possible Zevander had spotted us the moment we walked in.