Page 32 of Here One Moment

Eve fiddles with her new wedding ring, yawns hugely, and only remembers to cover her mouth at the last second. She is so tired she could lie down on this grimy airport floor right now and fall asleep.

Dom is quiet, staring off into the distance with blank eyes. What is he thinking about? The thing about her boyfriend, not her boyfriend, her husband, is that he can seem perfectly fine, laughing and carefree, and then, snap! He reveals something that has been on his mind for days, even weeks. It’s always a shock. Eve is never sure if he’s acting happy, or if he forgets about whatever issue is worrying him and then remembers it. Eve can’t hide her feelings. If there’s something on her mind Dom says, “Okay, what is it?” within about five minutes.

“Excuse me?” A girl in short shorts, with a long blond fishtail ponytail and thick black eyelash extensions, sidles up close to Eve. She tips her head toward Eve and talks in a low voice without moving her lips, like they’re trying to have a secret conversation in a school assembly without the teachers noticing. “Did that psychic talk to you too?”

“The lady? I don’t think she’s a psychic,” says Eve. She speaks normally, because she is older than this girl, and married, and she is not in a school assembly.

“Shhh,” says Dom, as if she is speaking too loudly or saying something offensive.

Eve lowers her voice. “I think that lady was just—”

“You look so beautiful, by the way,” the girl interrupts, and gently puts a fingertip to the lace on Eve’s sleeve. It’s an almost childlike move, as if she can’t help herself. “That lace! I love it so much!”

“Thank you.” Eve looks down at her dress. “It’s vintage.” Oops, she sounded too show-offy. “Secondhand.”

“I love vintage wedding dresses,” sighs the girl. “That’s the kind of dress I’d choose, when I get married, but I don’t even have a boyfriend right now, so I don’t know why I’m even telling you that! Anyway, you don’t think she was a psychic?”

“Definitely not,” says Eve. “Just a little…you know.” She looks about her, just in case the lady is actually here somewhere, waiting for her bag. She whispers, “Nutty.”

Eve puts the lady into the same category of person as Junie.

Most days Junie can be found drinking a lurid green slushie while sitting on the edge of the fountain outside the medical center where Eve works as a receptionist. She addresses everyone who walks by, as if they’re old friends in the middle of a conversation. Often in her lunch break Eve sits on the edge of the fountain and chats with Junie. You never know what Junie is going to come up with next: the moon landing was fake but aliens are real; some members of the Royal Family are definitely reptiles; Junie is under CIA surveillance, so she has to be really careful what she says; it’s hard to find comfortable shoes because she has very wide feet.

“Hey, so you remind me so much of this singer, that one dating—” begins Eve.

The girl’s face lights up. “I know who you mean, everyone keeps saying I look like her! It’s flattering. But I’m just boring old Kayla Halfpenny from Hobart.”

“Kayla Halfpenny actually sounds like the name of a famous person,” says Eve. It’s kind of true. Sometimes you say things that are kind of true to be nice.

“Oh, I don’t want to be famous!” Kayla shudders. “Anyway, I’m glad you don’t think she’s a real psychic, because that lady freaked me out so much. She told me I was going to die in a car accident. I got my license on the first go! I’m a good driver! I already have a super-bad fear of flying, I don’t want to get a driving phobia now!”

“Don’t worry,” Eve reassures her. “She told me I was going to die of intimate partner homicide.”

It takes a second for Kayla to decipher the phrase, and as soon as she does, her eyes fly to Dom. Her giraffe eyelashes flutter rapidly, like she’s maybe even scared, and poor Dom goes red and takes a step backward, nearly knocking into someone. Eve feels absolutely terrible. She needs to explain that Dom is not like one of those men, he’s into word games, he sings lullabies to his dog, he plays mixed netball, he absolutely respects women!

Eve tries to fix it. “Which is impossible, so that’s how I know she’s not—”

“Are you talking about that lady?” A woman in a leopard-print jumpsuit looks up from her phone. “She woke me up to tell me I was dying of alcoholism. I said, Excuse me! Rude!”

Their conversation is a flame that catches alight and races through the crowd. Suddenly everyone around the carousel is chatting, sharing stories of their predicted lifespans, talking about “her creepy eyes,” and the “terrifying matter-of-fact way” she predicted deaths. Some people admit to being “kind of freaked out.” Others claim to not even remember what she predicted. (Like, seriously?)

Eve notices that Kayla is now talking to the super-tall skinny guy in the blue tracksuit pants and white T-shirt, and she’s touching her hair a lot, so that’s nice, like watching a romantic movie, but Kayla is kind of short, so Eve’s not sure how sex will work, and that is a really inappropriate thing to think, Eve, stop it.

“Psychics never tell people how they’re going to die,” says a woman, maybe in her thirties, with heart-shaped sunglasses on top of her head.

Her friend, who has a ridiculous large fake flower pinned in her hair, agrees. “Exactly. They consider that totally unethical. There’s no way she’s qualified. We tried to tell that to the guy with the broken arm sitting next to us. She made him cry. He couldn’t stop, the poor thing!”

Are there qualifications for psychics?

“Where is she anyway?” says someone. “Is she here?”

“She was the last one on the plane,” says a deep voice. It’s the big strong muscly guy with the army buzz cut, who looks like he could save the world all on his own. “She was sound asleep. Probably mental health issues. We should forget what she said. It means nothing. Nothing at all.”

There is a pause, as if everybody is thinking they have to do what this man says, because he’s in charge, but then they remember he’s actually not the boss of them, and they keep talking.

“I mean, it puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? I’ve only got nine years,” says a frizzy-haired lady, fiddling with her wedding ring.

“We are definitely checking our smoke alarms when we get home,” says someone else.