“So good.”
I adjusted myself, hoping she didn't open her eyes in time to notice it.
When she finally opened them, she zeroed in on my plate. “You're not hungry?”
I cleared my throat, hoping she didn't notice my reaction to her. “I am. I was watching you enjoy my food.”
The skin around her eyes crinkled. “You're amazing with the grill.”
Pride filled my chest. “I made the burgers myself. But grillin' is easy.”
“It hit the spot. I got so wrapped up in work, I forgot about dinner. Then I smelled your grill, and my stomach started rumbling.” She fell silent, using her fork to play with the watermelon cubes on her plate.
“How's work going?”
“Well, I did something that my family might not approve of—” She broke off as if she was ashamed to say it out loud.
I chuckled, because what could this ball of light have done? So far, I'd found her to be sweet and kind.
She grimaced. “When one of the customers asked if there was a designer on staff, I said there technically wasn't, but that I took on clients independently.”
“What's wrong with that?” I asked, taking a bite of my burger.
“My family doesn't want to mix design with construction.”
“You’re offering your services as an independent contractor. I think you have to tell them about it, but I don't think it was wrong. The customers have a need, and you offered to fulfill it.”
Luna let out the breath she'd been holding. “I feel so bad about it though.”
“I wouldn't. You have to tell them at some point, and yeah, if they find out they might ask you to stop. But you're family. Why would they ask you to do that? Especially if you can show them how many customers want your services.”
Luna bit her lip. “Is it awful to say that I want to keep this for myself? I don't have to share the profits with anyone.”
“If you're offering your services to your dad's customers, you should give him a percentage.”
“You're right. I'll research what's expected in that situation.” Luna nodded, then gushed, “It was just so amazing that they wanted me to do the work.” Her gaze met mine. “I wouldn't have had the confidence if you hadn't liked what I showed you last night.” Then she reached over and touched my hand.
Her warmth seeped through my skin. I cleared my throat and looked away from where she was touching me. “I liked what you showed me. It was obvious you got me.”
“The problem is I can't be present to get an idea of them in their spaces until I get back. Thankfully, the jobs are usually scheduled a few months out.”
“So it could work.” And it was a huge reminder that she'd be gone in a month, and I'd still be here.
She wiggled her butt in her seat, dancing to some beat I couldn't hear. “I'm so excited.”
My lips twitched. “I'm happy for you.”
“I have to move.” She jumped up and hit Play on a song on her phone. It was one with a catchy beat. She moved to the rhythm for a few seconds, and I couldn't look away. Then she turned in a sultry move, catching my gaze with a glint in her eye. She curled her finger in the universal come-hither gesture for me to join her.
I shook my head. “Oh, no. I'm not a dancer.”
The singer was going on about why this guy was obsessed with her, and I had to ask the same question. Why was I so obsessed with this woman?
Luna danced even more sensually, her hips swaying to the beat, her eyes full of heat. She refused to let go of my gaze, or maybe it was me who refused to look away.
She held her hand out to me, her hips swaying from side to side, and I rose without any thought, moving closer to her. My heart was beating in time with the rhythm of the song. It was so hot in the kitchen.
Luna's cheeks were pink, her eyes bright as I lightly placed my hands on her hips so she could continue swaying. Her hands curled around my neck, bringing her breasts flush against my chest.