Page 34 of All My Heart

Axel stepped away. “I never turn down food.”

I smiled at him as I opened the door. “That's good to know.”

I washed my hands, then pulled out the meat, cheese, and condiments for subs.

Axel did the same, leaning a hip against the counter.

“You weren't cold outside without a jacket?” I asked him as I carefully loaded up the sub rolls with meat and cheese.

“I ran out when I saw you on the ladder.”

He'd panicked. That admission sent a pang through my heart. That was the thing that was missing in all my relationships. Someone who cared about me, who worried for my safety. “Thank you for saving me.”

He grimaced. “I might have overreacted a bit.”

“I didn't fall. Not that time anyway,” I said recalling when he ran into me on the trail. I was no match for his size. “It was nice to have the help. It went much more quickly.”

“What else do you have left to do?” he asked, clearly having noticed the boxes in the foyer.

“I want to do the railings with lights and garland, then the inside of the house. Do you think I should get a tree?”

Axel shifted his weight on his feet. “You're only here for a short time.”

I chewed my lip. “That's what I was thinking. It would be a hassle, and then I'd have to throw it out. I won't even be here on Christmas.”

Axel nodded. “It would be nice though. I haven't had a tree since I lived at home.”

“You should get one then. You're staying here longer than me. Isn't this your home until you sell or rent it?”

“That's the plan.”

It was exactly what he needed.

I added sliced jalapeños on mine. “What do you want on yours?”

“The same.”

I added jalapeños to his sandwich, then poured the lemonade into glasses. We sat at the island to eat. My kitchen was more updated than his. I'd seen the pictures online and fell in love with the space. I thought I could hide from everything, get some much-needed time alone. But spending time with Axel was nice too.

Axel devoured his sandwich in a few bites.

“Do you need a second one?” I asked as I got up to grab a bag of chips and the bowl of watermelon I'd cut up earlier.

“I'll be okay.”

I made another one and cut it in half to put on a plate. Either one of us could have it, or I could save it for later.

I settled on the stool to finish my sub. The only thing missing was pickles. I'd have to pick up some on my next trip into town. I'd avoided Annapolis, since that's where Violet lived. I didn't want her knowing I was so close. She'd insist on coming out to see me.

I wanted to give her space with Ryder, and I wanted this time for myself. I tried not to think too hard about why I was letting Axel encroach on it.

On some level, it felt like he needed me. But I was enjoying his company too. He was gruff on the outside, but gooey soft on the inside. Who else got to see that side of him?

It felt good knowing I was probably one of the few besides his sisters. It sounded like he'd kept himself separate from his family.

When we were finished, I took my time cleaning up. Like last night, I enjoyed just sitting in silence with Axel. I didn't feel the need to fill the space with noise or to prove anything to him. He believed I was capable. Even though he held the ladder, he was doing it to keep me safe, but not in an overbearing way.

Axel drank the last of his lemonade, then stood up. “Want to knock out the railing next?”