Page 24 of All My Heart

“You'll do it?” A thrill shot through me. I'd expected more of a fight since she'd already backed off.

She bit her lip. “If you don't like any of my suggestions, you have to tell me.”

I grinned, and her eyes widened. “I'll like anything you do.”

I could see her lips wrapped around my cock, those innocent eyes looking up at me, trusting me to treat her right. That would be the ultimate privilege: to have this woman believe in me. I wasn't sure I deserved it, but I sure as hell wanted it.

Luna shook her head. “You're too easy.”

“I'll be the best first project for you then. You couldn't ask for a better customer.” I was enraptured with her, and I wanted her to succeed. I held out my hand. “Partners.”

Luna frowned. “You don't want to see what I've come up with?”

I grinned wider. “You worked on it already?”

Her forehead creased. “Yes. No. I might have jotted some ideas down.”

“I'd love to see them because I'm stuck at the moment.” And I'm going to work out until I hurt myself with nothing else to occupy my time and my hands. I could easily distract myself with her body, but she wasn't ready for what I wanted to do to her.

“I'll bring them by later. I need to get some work done this morning.”

“I'll make dinner,” I said, wondering what the hell I was going to make that would qualify as a meal.

“You don't have to do that.”

I held up a hand. “You're helping me. Plus, you're essentially working on two jobs when you're supposed to be relaxing here.”

Luna looked around. “Just being here is nice.”

“Most people go to the beach when they want a vacation.”

Luna shrugged. “The ocean blends into the background at some point. Although I miss the holiday lights on the palm trees this time of year.”

“I can't say I've ever seen that.”

Luna beamed. “There's something about holiday music mixed with sand that's an irresistible combination.”

I was starting to think she was the irresistible combination. Would her skin still smell like sand and ocean air? I was dying to find out.



Itold Axel I was working today, and I was trying to, but I couldn't get our impending date out of my head. I kept telling myself it was a work thing. I'd show him my ideas, and he'd prepare a meal. But something told me he didn't cook for women ever, and that made my stomach flutter.

Axel left shortly after our conversation, saying he had some errands to run. Was he standing in the meat aisle of the grocery store trying to figure out what to cook me? Would he pick up flowers to decorate his table?

How easy would it be to slip into the idea of us? We were out here away from everyone we knew and everything we were used to. It was an escape from our real lives. It would be so easy to let go of any caution and sink into this fantasy of him and me.

The big burly mountain man and the sunny girl from Florida. No one would ever have to know. My brothers weren't here to intimidate Axel. There was no one stopping us, and I wanted to tell my inner compass to fuck off so I could enjoy life for once.

Everything inside my body was telling me that Axel knew his way around a woman's body. He might not spend much time with women, but I didn't doubt what he focused on flourished. That included sex.

My phone buzzed, and even though we hadn't exchanged numbers, a zing went through my core. I was hoping it was Axel calling me.

It was my dad.

I sighed before I answered. “Hi, Dad.”