I'd allowed Luna to buy me new towels and sheets for the bedroom. I figured I'd replace everything while she was in charge. I loved everything she'd chosen. I wouldn't know what to get if it wasn't for her. I'd still be stuck on what size of tile to choose.
Luna had made the process so easy, and I was grateful to her. I'd have to insist that she be part of the renovation even if Teddy was helping. I wanted her to get what she wanted out of the project.
Shortly after, Teddy arrived with a greasy breakfast sandwich which I appreciated. We ate standing up in the kitchen, then got to work on the tile. He'd brought the tile cutter and showed me how to use it.
I texted Luna, asking if she wanted to come over.
Luna arrived a couple of hours later. She didn't bother to knock, just came through the house and leaned a shoulder against the doorframe.
“Sorry, I had to catch up on work for my other job.”
“Come here. I'll show you how to use the tile cutter.”
Her eyes lit up. “Really?”
“You're going to have to do this yourself when you move back.”
Her smile faded. “Right.”
“I'm going to see if there's any more food. I'm starving.” Teddy waved a hand in the direction of the kitchen and disappeared.
I was grateful Teddy was giving us space because there wasn't much in the bathroom.
I told Luna how we had to cut the tile to go around the shower, the toilet, and the vanity, and how we mapped out the area.
She cut a few tiles. Then I showed her how we placed them on the wall. We'd do the shower first, then the floor.
At some point, Teddy joined us. He cut while we attached them to the wall. When it was dark out, Teddy offered to pick up pizza, and we continued working.
“How are things going with your brother?” Luna asked.
“Good.” We hadn't discussed anything really. Teddy wasn't any better with talking about his feelings than I was. He kept it all inside because he had to be strong for everyone after Mom died. I'd tell him he didn't need to do that anymore, but I was lost in my own head. I had enough stuff to deal with.
When Teddy returned, he placed the boxes in the kitchen and met us in the bathroom where we'd started playing music. We sang the lyrics when we knew them, and occasionally Luna broke out into a dance. It wouldn't be the same without her here.
At some point, Teddy checked his phone. “Charlotte wants to know where I've been all day.”
I sat back on my heels. “Were you supposed to be working on the farm?”
“I can take time off,” Teddy said gruffly.
I shot him a look. “Not if you're supposed to be doing stuff with Charlotte.”
“I don't need you giving me shit too.” Teddy glanced over at Luna. “Sorry.”
“I have six brothers. I'm used to bad language.” Luna wiped the dust off her leggings. “I'm going to check out the squares for the bedroom wall.”
I tipped my head toward the master. “I put the boxes in the bedroom.”
“Thanks.” Luna smiled as she stepped around the stuff on the floor to get out.
Teddy frowned. “Dad wants me to do whatever Charlotte says.”
“And what's that?” I asked, trying not to let the amusement tinge my tone.
“She had me playing Santa at the holiday festival for pictures.”
I raised a brow. “I would love to see those pictures.”