Page 6 of All My Heart

But I couldn't tell her I was still in Maryland. She'd want to visit when she returned home, and I couldn't let her do that. She was happy with Ryder, and they needed this time together.

Besides, I didn't want to be a third wheel around the happy couple. That would defeat the purpose of rest and relaxation. “I need to be alone for a bit. But I promise I'm fine.”

“Is this about Rex?” Violet practically growled.

“Only partly. I wanted to reconnect with myself. I can't do that on the island.”

“I know how your brothers can be. Is that what this is? A chance to get away from them?”

“That's exactly it.” Only Violet got me. She wasn't from the island and hadn't grown up with us. That's why it was so easy to be her friend. She wasn't impressed by my last name, and she never asked about my brothers.

“I can't imagine what it's like to have six overprotective brothers.”

Violet had a perfect older sister who managed to soak up all their parents' praise.

“It's not fun.” Especially when everyone in town lusted after them. I swear women hired them to work on their kitchens, thinking they'd be able to turn a one-night stand into a relationship. My brothers were hot and wealthy. It was an attractive combination for single women and, from what I'd heard, not-so-single women.

Violet sighed. “I can't believe you came to visit, and I was such a bad host.”

“You couldn't have predicted you'd get engaged. I wanted to give you time with your new fiancé.” I hoped to move her attention to Ryder and away from me.

“I can't wait to marry Ryder. Even Faith is excited. I wasn't sure because she doesn't like her mom's new boyfriend.”

“That's because you're amazing, and you're going to be the best stepmama.”

Violet let out a breath. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

I couldn't believe that Violet would doubt herself in that department. She was kind and caring, and in the short time I observed her with Faith, I could see she adored her. “Have you set a date?”

“I think he'll want to wait, since he only recently finalized his divorce. I'm not in a hurry.”

“You think you'll have the ceremony in Florida or in Maryland?”

“I thought we’d hold it in Maryland since we live here but Ryder seemed interested in having it in Florida.”

“You don’t want to have it on the beach?”

“Yeah, but it's just my parents and Danielle. Ryder’s entire family is in Maryland, and I don't want to feel like I'm competing with Danielle's wedding. Hers will be big and perfect.”

I let out a disgusted breath. “Your mom shouldn't compare them.”

“She won't be able to help herself.”

“Wherever you decide, I'll be there.” I'd need to get myself together before then. I liked the cabin. I just wasn't sure I'd be able to spend Christmas by myself.

“I'm worried about you,” Violet said softly.

“I'll be fine. Rex wasn't the right guy for me.”

Violet snorted. “No kidding. I never knew what you saw in him.”

I felt a pang. It was hard to meet guys who weren't intimidated by my brothers. They scared all the good guys away.

If my brothers found out Rex cheated on me, they would lose it. One more reason to stay in Maryland where no one knew where I was.

Rex had texted and called a few times, but I didn't know what he wanted. Did he really expect me to come crawling back and forgive him for sleeping with Alexis?

Everyone would find out. Alexis would make sure of it, and then they'd pity me.