Yesterday was good. I enjoyed working with Axel. He never acted like I was a bother. He was patient with me, taking the time to explain everything he was doing and what the parts were called. I appreciated it more than he could ever know.
My brothers and my father didn't want to bother to slow down and explain it to me. It had hurt over the years. But it endeared me to Axel even more.
The sex in the shower was so much more, especially with the way he insisted on returning the favor and washing my body and hair. I might have started it, but he continued it, and I loved it.
No one had ever taken care of me quite like that. But taking the time to show me how to complete the renovations was huge. Maybe not a big deal to someone else. But it was important to me.
When I went back to Florida, I wasn't going to be the same person. Axel had boosted my confidence. Even if he didn't show me everything, I could watch the DIY videos online and figure it out. I could hire someone if I had to, but I was confident I could do it on my own.
I'd never be able to thank him for what he'd done for me. He was so much more than he thought he was.
I suspected his family would welcome him back no matter who he was now. They'd accept him, and if not, they didn't deserve him.
Axel held himself back, but I saw him giving more of himself to me every day. I tried not to think about what any of that meant. We were temporary.
I could look back on this time in my life as the catalyst I needed to change, to get out of the rut my life had become.
He'd whipped up pancakes for breakfast, saying we needed our energy. Then he'd explained what we'd be doing today. Essentially taking the tile down, which was dirty and exhausting work. But we'd have to be careful so we didn't get hurt.
In the bathroom, he handed me a pry bar and took the second one, showing me how to peel the tile off the wall.
I loved that he always got a spare tool for me, taking the time to show me how to use it. He never assumed I couldn't do it. And if I made a mistake, he patiently showed me again. He didn't walk away in a huff, saying it was a waste of time.
I suspected that's what my family would have done if they'd taken the time.
We had to stand apart so we wouldn't accidentally hit each other. By the time lunch rolled around, sweat was dripping down my back, but I felt like I'd gotten somewhere. It was satisfying when I was able to peel the tile off and throw it in our ever-growing pile.
I lowered the bar, my arms aching.
“Lunch?” Axel asked, taking off his protective goggles.
“Yes.” I was ready for another shower, but there wouldn't be a point until the tile was gone.
We went to my house where Axel threw together subs with various meats and cheeses, and we ate them with chips. He even cracked open the sodas he found in my fridge.
I liked the work. It beat answering emails and calling people about estimates and scheduling jobs.
“I talked to my dad the other day.” I wasn't sure why I hadn't brought it up sooner. But that night, he'd taken me by surprise by appearing at my door and throwing me fireman-style over his shoulder, then having his way with me in bed. I was understandably distracted.
“Oh?” Axel said as he chewed.
“I told him about the design stuff. How I'd offered it to a few clients, and they were excited about it.”
“How did he take it?” Axel asked, putting the rest of his sandwich on the plate.
“Not good. He doesn't want to confuse the customers by offering them additional services that he doesn't think make sense.”
Axel shook his head. “But the customers are asking for it.”
“By the time they get to him, they've already hired someone else to design the space, so he doesn't get it.”
Axel nodded. “He has to see it to understand.”
“Apparently when it comes to me.” He'd trust my brothers. Why didn't that extend to me? Was it because I was the youngest?
Axel braced his hands on the counter, emphasizing the corded muscles in his forearms. “Maybe he wants you to have the freedom to do something else since everyone else is in the business?”
“He didn't say that.” I might have respected him more if he did. That meant he was thinking about me when he made his decision.