I pointed out the inlet supply pipe under the tank. Then Luna unscrewed it from the tank and the supply line valve on the wall.
Then she removed the nuts and bolts attaching the base to the floor with an adjustable wrench. Those were stuck, so I had to use a socket wrench to ratchet them loose. This time, I let her use my knife to cut through the caulk. I lifted the toilet off the flange bolts.
I used a utility knife to scrape the wax from the drain flange in the floor. Then I unscrewed the flange, and removed it.
We carried everything to the truck.
Luna's face was flush, and sweat beaded on her skin.
It felt good to be physical and not just working out. We were making changes with our work, making things better. I could get addicted to this. “You ready for a break?”
Her nose scrunched. “I think I need a shower after that.”
I braced a hand on my hip and studied her. “There's really not a point when we have so much left to do. Are you sure you want to learn this stuff?”
Luna nodded and took off for my cabin. “I'm so happy to finally be doing something, and I'm so grateful you're taking the time to teach me.”
I stopped her with a hand on her wrist. “You don't have to thank me. You should already know this stuff. Your family should have included you.”
Her expression softened. “I want to. You didn't have to take the time to show me.”
“Of course I did.” I would do anything she asked of me. Not that she knew that. When I'd thrown out the idea of flipping houses, it was partly because I wanted to do it. I could see myself doing this for a living. I wouldn't have to deal with people. I could do physical work and earn money for it. I enjoyed seeing the changes I created. And I couldn't do it without some kind of design advice. We'd make the perfect pair.
“I'd hug you, but I feel gross.”
I chuckled as we walked toward the open door. “There's plenty of time for that later in the shower.”
“Promises, promises.”
I tried not to think about all the things I wanted to do to her, because I was supposed to be distancing myself, not getting close.
We grabbed a quick bite to eat, then moved onto the hardest job of all: removing the tile that lined the floor and the wall.
We prepped the room by duct-taping plastic sheeting over the vents, registers, and the door.
I handed Luna a hammer and chisel to chip away at the tile, starting at the edge of the shower. I worked on the top. Then I got out the reciprocating saw I rented from the local box store to cut through the exposed drywall.
By the time I was finished with the saw, it was dark outside, and Luna was sitting cross-legged in the doorway.
“Tomorrow we can use the pry bar to pull down the tile.”
“That'll be the fun part. I never thought it would be satisfying to tear things down.”
“It is fun.” It was better with her at my side. It would be a lonelier job without her. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
“It's not like you can use yours.” Luna waved a hand at the destruction.
I threw an arm around her, and her hand naturally curled into the cotton material covering my chest. Her nose wrinkled. “You're sweaty.”
I pulled her tighter to me. “Hmm. You don't mind it when my dick?—”
She patted my chest. “Okay, okay. Enough of that. I need a shower before we get hot and heavy.”
I smirked at her as we walked into my bedroom. I let go of her, only to grab clean clothes. I had a feeling I wouldn't be coming home tonight. As much as I should put distance between us, I didn't have a working bathroom. It made practical sense to stay at her place. It had nothing to do with the fact that we hadn't spent a night apart since we were intimate for the first time.
At her place, she turned on the water and motioned for me to join her. “We might as well conserve water.”
“Is that what this is?” I asked her as her hands roamed my chest.