I sighed heavily. “I recently resigned from the military, and I wanted some time before I told my family I was home.”
Her entire body softened. “I can understand that.”
Did she know someone in a similar situation? “You probably won't believe me, but I was worried about you out here all alone.”
Her brow furrowed. “I was on my property. You're the one trespassing.”
“I should probably stop talking.” This wasn't going over well, but then again, I never thought it would. I'd acted on instinct, which worked in the field, but in real life, not so much. “I obviously need more acclimation before I can be around civilians. I'm going to head home. But if you could please lower the music in the future, I'd appreciate it.”
Her eyes soft, she said, “I can do that.”
I turned to walk away, actually disappointed that I was going back to an empty cabin.
“Wait. What's your name?”
When I told people my name, they either said it was cool or asked whether my parents hated me, and I didn't expect anything less from her. I turned to face her. “Axel.”
I purposely didn't give her my last name, Calloway. If she was from around here, she'd know instantly who my family was. The last thing I wanted was them to know that I was here. They'd be hurt. They wouldn't understand my desire to hide from them
Ever since our mother died, they'd closed ranks, and somewhere along the way, I realized I didn't fit in with them. I was an outsider and always would be.
Her shoulders relaxed slightly, which made the towel drop farther.
My gaze was locked on the inch of skin just revealed.
“Well, Axel, it's nice to meet you. It looks like we're going to be neighbors for the foreseeable future.”
I saw my vision of quiet slowly drifting away. But at the same time, I wondered if her towel would lower even farther, and I'd get another view of those gorgeous breasts.
“I'm Luna. Luna from Florida.”
“Well, Luna from Florida. Try and keep it down.” I would have added something about keeping her clothes on, but that was one thing I didn't want.
I was worried about her security, but she was safe from me. I'd sworn off connections with women years ago, and I wasn't going to change that rule now. I was a worse prospect than before. I didn't have a purpose in life, much less a job.
I was barely more than a caveman at this point. I didn't know how to date a woman.
Whatever she was doing here meant that she wasn't looking for someone like me.
She wanted to disappear just like me. I needed to stay away from her and give her the space she craved.
My phone buzzed on the walk back to my cabin. I pulled it out for something else to occupy my mind besides wondering whether Luna got back into the hot tub or went inside.
Any word when you're on your way home?
I'd been putting off my family because I wanted time to acclimate to society without my family watching and waiting for me to mess up. I needed this time. But I felt guilty for taking it.
I grabbed my beer and headed inside. I locked the door as a deterrent for myself. I had no reason to go back over there. Even if she was interested in something physical, odds were that my seduction skills were rusty.
At this point, she probably thought I was a predator, not someone she could be interested in, even for a night.
Luna was here for a reason, and I wanted to know why that was, even though it was none of my business. I should have respected her privacy. But I couldn't stop my curiosity from running rampant.
Then there was the fact that I'd seen her naked. I wouldn't be erasing that image from my memory any time soon. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her hard nipples. Her waist dipped in and curved out over her hips. She was voluptuous, and I loved every inch of her body.
I felt guilty as hell but there was only one way to deal with my family. I'd block any overtures for a meeting until I was ready to face them, which might be never.
I dropped down to the lumpy couch. Now that I was home for good, I should do something about the decor. My stomach twisted as I prepare to lie to my brother again.