My heart rate picked up.
She was interrupting my peace and quiet.
I came here to hide out. To disappear. To not have to deal with people and loud noises, and this woman was breaking all my rules.
She turned up the volume, and I saw red.
I set my lukewarm beer aside, then marched in her direction, the blood pumping through my veins. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say when I got there, but I let the irritation build inside me. My fingers curled into fists by my side.
When I got close enough to really see her, her head was tipped back again, her eyes closed, and her legs were floating in the water in front of her. My gaze was quickly diverted to her breasts, the tops of which were just visible above the water.
I saw miles of bare skin. I wanted to know if she was tall or short. If she was sensitive to touch. If her skin was soft.
The jets churned, and the music played. My blood thumped in time with the bass.
Instead of saying what I’d come to say, I was riveted by the sight of this gorgeous woman naked in the hot tub. Didn’t she know how dangerous this was? Anyone could take advantage of her.
My fingers twitched. It had been too long since I'd lost myself in a woman. I'd gotten over the thrill of it years ago. I couldn't make any lasting connections with women in my job so I’d given up.
Her eyelashes fluttered as if she sensed that I was creeping on her. That meant her instincts weren't completely shot.
When her eyes drifted open slowly, I took a step back.
This looked bad. I was standing over a hot tub, checking out a naked woman on private property.
Her eyes widened. Then she screamed.
I scrambled back with my hands up. “I'm sorry.”
“Turn around,” she screeched, and I immediately complied. I shouldn't be here. I should go back into my cabin and shut the door.
I heard the slosh of water as she quickly stepped out of the hot tub. Water splashed near my boots.
“What are you doing here?” the woman asked, her tone measured.
I slowly turned, disappointed to find her wrapped in a towel that she clutched with two hands.
Her hair hung wet down her back; her blue eyes looked huge on her face, but it was probably the shock of finding a man standing over her. The droplets clung to her skin, and I couldn't blame them. I would have done the same thing.
“I was surprised to see you here.” My throat was suddenly very dry, and my beer was sitting on my porch.
Her eyes widened even more. “Ya think?”
I tipped my head toward the building. “I didn't know anyone was renting the cabin out. I've never seen anyone here.”
Her eyes narrowed on me. “So you thought it was your duty to investigate?”
“I rented the cabin for some peace and quiet. When you turned on the music?—”
She nodded in understanding, her towel slipping slightly so that the top of her breasts were visible. “I interrupted your peace and quiet.”
“Something like that.”
She waved her hands wildly and, when the towel fell an inch, clutched it to her chest. “You could have called over or really done anything besides get closer.”
I kept my palms up as if I was afraid she'd bolt. “You're right. I was out of line.”
Her eyes narrowed on me.