She gave me a dubious look.
“I can be overprotective. Or at least that's what my sisters say.”
That must have been the right answer because her shoulders eased and the lines on her forehead smoothed out. I wasn't in tune with women, especially since I spent the majority of the last ten years with men.
I didn't know the best way to interact with Luna. I was fumbling around in the dark, doing my best. I just hoped it was enough that she wouldn't run away from me as soon as we got back to the cabins. She was the first woman to intrigue me in forever.
“Iknow a little about overprotective brothers. I have six.”
I let out a low whistle before I said, “You'd get along with my youngest sister. She has five.”
Luna glanced over at me. “You have six siblings?”
“At last count.”
Luna tipped her head back and let out a laugh, one that carried through the woods.
My chest tightened as I watched her laugh. When had I ever been so carefree?
When she finally sobered, she said, “You can be funny.”
“I didn't mean to be.” I wasn't comfortable in social situations. If I wasn't shooting the shit with the guys or the few women in the service, I hadn't spoken to a woman like this in years.
Luna reached over and touched my arm briefly. “My rental manager told me that no one was renting your cabin.”
I wondered if she was a touchy-feely person. Normally that would bother me, but I liked her contact. “I'm not renting.”
Her brow raised. “You're the owner then?”
“For now.” I didn't see the need to share too much information. I didn't know anything about her, other than she was attractive, and I was intrigued by her. “You're renting.” I felt the need to clarify.
Luna nodded. “I'm scheduled to be here for a few weeks. After that, I don't know what I want to do.”
“Where are you from in Florida?” I asked, wondering how much I could probe without her shutting me out.
“Sanibel Island. I was here to visit a friend, but as soon as I got here, it was clear she was in a different place than me.”
Her skin was tan, and her cheeks were covered in freckles as if she was used to being in the sun. “How so?”
“I'm coming off a breakup, and she'd just gotten engaged.”
Exactly what I'd suspected. She was here to grieve and move on. When she was gone, I'd still be here, trying to figure out my life. “Sounds like all my siblings. They're pairing off one by one.”
“Why are you living here? I thought most of the cabins in this area were rentals.”
My jaw tightened as I thought about whether I wanted to tell her the truth. There was something about this woman. I wanted to be honest. “I just resigned from the military, and I wanted to slowly acclimate to civilian life.”
An amused expression took over her face. “It's hard to acclimate in society when you're out here.” She waved a hand at the wilderness. “Away from everyone and everything.”
I let out a breath. “I thought it would be a slow process.”
“You're giving yourself time. That's not a bad thing.”
I nodded. “I'm not in a rush. I have money and time. No one is expecting me. Not yet anyway.”