Page 50 of Close to My Heart

Daphne grinned. “Oh, I know.”

“It wouldn’t make sense to talk about our relationship when we’re only going to break up. But I plan to hold more weddings in that space, so it’s good publicity for that.”

“I think you’ll get more interest if you include your groom,” Fiona added.

“You’re probably right.” But it wasn’t right. Not when we weren’t getting married for the long term. This was temporary, and I needed to remember that.

Thankfully, we pulled up to our first appointment for the day. When we got out, Daphne linked arms with mine. “We booked the place for the morning, so we can drink mimosas and enjoy the experience.”

“Aren’t you tired of wedding preparations after both of you got married recently?” I asked them as Fiona opened the door for us.

“Handling this for someone else is so much better,” Daphne said as we entered the shop.

“There’s no stress. It’s pure fun,” Fiona added.

Ryder sat on the edge of a long white leather couch in the center of the room. I think there was sweat on his forehead.

Faith was holding the skirt of a dress hanging on a nearby rack. A three-sixty mirror was set up on a raised platform just in front of the wall of windows where anyone could watch as they walked by.

“Oh, good. You’re here.” Ryder stood and crossed the room.

“You look good in a room of white wedding dresses,” Fiona quipped, but Ryder looked slightly pale.

“You’ve got Faith?” Ryder glanced over his shoulder where Izzy stood next to her with her headphones around her neck, chatting animatedly about something, probably the show she’d just watched.

“We’re excited to spend the day with her. We’re so happy you’re home for a bit,” Fiona said fondly.

Ryder sighed. “I need to find a place to live. Then I’ll need to pack and move.”

“Are Stacy and Faith coming too?” Daphne asked tentatively, and my stomach rolled at the tension that settled on his face.

Ryder winced. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen.”

“Well, we’re happy to have our brother living closer to home. I’m sure you’ll work things out with Stacy,” Daphne said.

Ryder moved toward the door with a wave. “Enjoy your day, ladies. Take care of my daughter, and please don’t corrupt her.”

“Humph. That’s what fun aunts are supposed to do,” Fiona called after him.

Even though he’d been living in Virginia, the siblings still seemed close.

A woman associated with the shop walked out carrying a tray of mimosas. “Morning, ladies. My name is Amy. I’ll be assisting you today. I have mimosas for the adults and orange juice for the girls.”

“Where should we start?” I asked after we’d grabbed our drinks and taken a sip. I wanted to have my wits about me. Dress shopping was serious business.

My gaze passed over the rows of white dresses and the few that were displayed more prominently. I hadn’t thought much about a wedding, but now that I was here and the bride-to-be, I was excited about the prospect. It would be a fun day of dress-up. The ultimate pretend game.

“First of all, congratulations on your engagement. I always say picking the dress sets the tone for the entire ceremony.”

She might have been talking about the wedding itself, but I had a moment where I felt hot then cold. Does the dress set the tone for the wedding?

Amy wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Why don’t you tell me what you like, and we’ll go from there.”



The girls were shopping for wedding dresses, and I was enjoying my new outdoor living area with my brothers. I felt strangely excited to see Sutton walk down the aisle toward me in whatever she chose.