We paddled for a while. With each stroke of my oar, I felt more confident and freer. When we tired, we straddled our boards and drifted. The sun glinted off the diamond on my left finger. I couldn’t believe I was married to my best friend. It was even more astonishing that we were having sex and sharing life like a real couple. We couldn’t seem to keep our hands off each other. Yet we enjoyed making and sharing meals together and going on new adventures.
But what would happen when we went back to work? Would real life break us, or would it bring us even closer together?
Today, I was patrolling on the water, ensuring boaters had their fishing licenses and weren’t keeping fish that weren’t allowed. Over the years, I’d seen crazy things like dads putting fish in the kid’s backpack. One dad saying he didn’t need a license to fish if he was with his kids. I’d seen a lot.
I usually sought solace in my job. I enjoyed being on the water or in the woods. But I missed Sutton. The last few days, we’d spent a lot of time together, and now our time was limited to the morning and evenings when Sutton or I didn’t have other plans.
On our honeymoon, we’d done all the things that I enjoyed. There was something about sharing them with Sutton that I loved. The best part was, it was her idea. She wanted to do these things with me.
I wanted to return the favor, but I hadn’t come up with any ideas yet. She’d happily posted the videos we’d made over the weekend, sharing them on her page, titling them the Honeymoon Reel, and I even enjoyed watching us together.
We looked like a real couple, and I guess in a lot of ways we were. We were married, shared a house, made meals, and did activities together. But most importantly, we were intimate, not something I’d planned on when I proposed marriage. I had this plan of slowly getting her to come around to the idea of us, but then somehow, we came together on our wedding night, blowing that plan out of the water.
Now, I wasn’t sure what I was doing. Giving into my baser desires to enjoy every second of my time as Sutton’s husband. I was married to her. She was my wife. I couldn’t get over the novelty of it.
It was like a dream came true, but it wasn’t quite mine. Not yet.
My phone buzzed, and I turned off the engine so I could hear Sutton. “Is everything okay?”
“I hope I’m not bothering you.” Her voice was hesitant.
“Not at all.” I loved hearing from her during the day.
“I just wanted to let you know that my videos about the wedding and the honeymoon are getting a ton of views and comments. My followers love you.”
“I think it’s you they love.” I’d read the comments. They were enamored with Sutton. Yeah, they might be intrigued because I was new, but it was her they loved. She was electric on camera. Something as simple as a fox crossing our path in the woods was exciting for her, and she was able to convey that to everyone watching.
“I think it’s my gruff husband that has everyone interested.” I heard the smile in her voice.
“You built the online community. It’s yours.”
“Thanks, Wes. You always know what to say.”
Would she realize that we were meant for each other? That this was more than friendship. “How are things at the estate?”
“Mom’s pressuring me to stop filming the estate on social media. She insists it’s because she wants her privacy but I’ve never included my family. It feels like she wants to control what I’m doing with the estate.”
“Your grandmother is giving you the property. She wanted you to have it. She knows your ideas, and she supports them.”
Sutton chewed her lower lip. “But what if my parents aren’t happy?”
“If you inherit the property, it’s yours to do with what you want.”
She sighed. “I feel like everything I’ve ever wanted is within reach.”
I wondered if I was part of those hopes and dreams.
“But I’m worried that something’s going to happen to ruin it.”
I looked out over the water, getting the sense I was living my dreams too. “Your life can be this good. There doesn’t have to be a downside.”
“I hope you’re right.” I wondered if she was biting her lip right now.
“You’ll see that I am.” I scanned the water for any other boaters that I’d need to approach.