Page 35 of Close to My Heart

“Well, enjoy the rest of your holiday.”

“You to, Grandma.” Sutton kissed her cheek, and I took Sutton’s hand, walking with her to her house.

“That wasn’t so bad.”

Sutton just gave me a look. “Mom hated the idea, and Dad didn’t say much.”

“Is that how he usually is?”

“He lets Mom and Grandma do their thing. He doesn’t like to get between them.”

Is that how I’d be with the Rosesmiths? Was I okay with that? Or would I encourage Sutton to cultivate a relationship with her family or distance herself?

“Are you ready for my family?” I asked as I opened the door for her.

Sutton grinned, and her shoulders lowered for the first time since I saw her that morning.

She climbed inside and said, “This will be a different kind of test.”

“They know about the ultimatum, so I planned to tell them we’re getting married to fulfill the stipulations of the will.”

“You don’t think they’ll be upset?”

I chuckled. “I already talked to my brothers. I think they’ll understand.”

“But what about your father?”

I frowned. “I’m not sure how he’ll react. But we need to convince your family, and they seemed to believe it. Even if they didn’t like it.”

“Mom wanted someone she could push around, who’d play by the rules. You’re not that. You’re dangerous because you don’t care about the money.”

“Whatever happens, we’re in this together.” I reached over and squeezed her hand.

There was a sense that the hard part was over.

“We need to get you a ring. No one’s going to believe us if you don’t have one.”

“I don’t want you to spend money on me.”

I tightened my hand around the wheel. “We’ll figure something out.”

When we pulled into the lane for the farm, everyone was already parked at the main house. I pulled in next to the other trucks and got out. “Are you ready for this?”

Sutton squared her shoulders. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You’re not facing a firing squad. Just the Calloways. It’ll be fine.”

“‘Hi, Mr. Calloway. We’re getting married, but it’s not real. We need to get married so I can inherit my family’s home.’ It sounds completely insane when I say it out loud.”

“So don’t. This was our decision, and the only ones who need to get it are us.”

On the porch, I pulled her into a hug. I released her before I could catalog how good she felt against my body. I opened the door and stepped inside.

Izzy and Faith barely looked up from where they were playing with toys in the living room. From the noise, it sounded like everyone was gathered in the kitchen like always. “This is like any other year.”

“It’s perfectly normal to go home with your fake fiancée.”

“At least we don’t have to lie to my family.”