Page 32 of Close to My Heart

Sutton laughed and shook her head. “I’ve protected you from them all these years.”

“I think it’s more like I stayed away. I knew they didn’t like me hanging around you, and if they didn’t see me, it was an out-of-sight, out-of-mind kind of thing.” I didn’t want them to forbid her from seeing me.

“My mom won’t like this.” Sutton lifted our joined hands.

“Your grandmother didn’t give you any stipulations for who you married, did she?”

Sutton frowned. “She didn’t.”

“Then it shouldn’t matter.”

Her forehead wrinkled. “It doesn’t mean they won’t change the rules. It’s not the first time that’s happened.”

“If that’s the case, you can always go to plan B.”

“Which is?” Sutton looked over at me.

“Give this up.” I gestured at the house.

Sutton sighed. “Everything I ever wanted is right here. I’m so close I can feel it. This is the right decision for me.”

“Then I’m going to help you get it. Whatever it takes.”

Sutton smiled softly, and I couldn’t help but lean over and kiss the corner of her mouth. Now that we were holding hands and agreed to pose as engaged, it was like a wall had been lowered.

“Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?” Sutton’s mother, Evelyn, said from where she stood in the doorway.

“Can we go inside to discuss this?” Sutton asked. “It’s chilly out here.”

“Discuss what?” Evelyn said snidely as we stepped past her.

I assisted Sutton out of her jacket, wondering if we should keep it on so we could make a quick escape. I reluctantly handed it to the butler who stood off to the side.

“Our engagement.”

Evelyn gasped.

Sutton continued, “We’ll discuss this in the morning room where everyone is gathered for Christmas brunch.”

I didn’t know the proper etiquette in these situations. But I’d expected at least a congratulations, even if Evelyn wasn’t happy with Sutton’s choice of fiancé.

Evelyn led us into the morning room, which had huge windows with views of the gardens. There were trees in each corner decorated in gold. It looked like something on a magazine cover.

Sutton grew up very differently from me. Her mother didn’t help decorate the tree or bake chocolate chip cookies. There was no personal touch. If hired help could complete the task, then they did, even when it came to raising Sutton.

I tightened my hand around hers. I wished I could have protected her back then. Instead, I’d been a soft place for her to land. I wish I could have been more.

Evelyn moved to stand next to Sutton’s grandmother and said, “Sutton has an announcement to make.”

I noticed she didn’t include me, and that was intentional. Everything this family did was calculated. I cleared my throat and grinned at Sutton. “Actually, we have an announcement to make. I proposed to Sutton last night, and she said, yes.”

My declaration was met with shocked silence.

“Is that true?” Sutton’s grandma asked her as if I was holding Sutton hostage and wouldn’t let her speak.

Sutton smiled. “Yes.”

“Well, where’s the ring?” Evelyn asked snidely.