Page 27 of Losing Control

I’m fairly certain I hear the asshat growl at me. “Are you sleeping with her?”

What? “What?”

“You heard me. It’s eight in the morning and you’re the one answering the door, claiming she’s asleep. Why else would you be here acting like her fucking bodyguard if you weren’t getting something out of it?” The words ooze with hatred and I'd love nothing more than to shove them right back down his throat.

I lean against the door frame and put my hands in my pockets. “Jett, I’m going to need you to leave,” I say calmly.

“I don’t give a fuck what you need. Answer the damn question.” I refuse to entertain him with a response. Not only is he the most pathetic excuse for a man, a damn waste of skin, but I'm not going to let my anger get the best of me and risk Libby seeing me that way.

“You know she’s engaged, right?” he continues. “You’re fucking my fiancé.” The veins in his neck bulge.

“Huh. That’s funny, considering she left after you proposed, and hasn’t mentioned you once since. I’m not sure that’s considered engaged, buddy.” I raise an eyebrow while keeping my tone even. It takes more control than I've ever needed to keep my head level, but I have no other choice.

“She said yes.”

“Ah, right. Even so, going off of the little I know, I think it’s safe to say she isn’t someone you need to concern yourself with anymore.”

“Wait a minute…” His eyes squint as he studies my face. “I know who you are. You were with her at Tyson’s game. I saw you in the pictures from the online coverage.” He huffs out a laugh. “This is rich. You can’t believe a word she says. She's a fucking drama queen. She always does that shit, thrives off it. You can’t say one fucking thing to her without her getting all worked up and throwing a fit like a child.”

I grit my teeth, loosening the tight leash I have on myself. “You’re going to regret—”

“Jett?” The door opens behind me. Go back inside. I plead inside my head, because I can’t say it out loud; all I see is red, and I can’t risk this side of me coming out around her.

“Liza, who the fuck is this guy? We have a few arguments and you run off to find the closest fuck boy to climb under?”

I step forward, preparing to knock his fucking head off his body, but a small hand lands on my shoulder, stopping me. “Colt,” she cautions. I can’t look at her. There’s too much madness going on in my head.

“Yeah, Colt, why don’t you hit the road? I’ve got some things to straighten out with my fiancé.” Not a fucking chance. I let my size serve as a barricade between him and Libby, not needing to use my words. I can keep her safe without having to let go of my leash completely. It’s all a matter of the mind. Think calm, be calm.

“Colt,” Libby says again, “you should probably go.”

What the actual fuck? Spinning around, I look straight into her eyes — no panic. She can’t be serious, though. There’s no way I can leave her here with him. But she squares her shoulders and lifts her chin. Don’t do this.

“Colt, I want you to leave.”

My chest constricts as dread fills every inch of me. She knows I would never push her. Anything she told me, I’d never fight back, because she needs to know her words have power. I keep my eyes on hers, waiting to see something else shows, but it never does. There isn’t an ounce of second guessing or hesitation. She really wants me to leave.

So I do just that.


Colt retreats down the stairs and panic sets in with each step he takes. I hate that he's leaving, that I told him I wanted him to leave, but it’s what needed to happen. He’s been here so many times for me and opened up about his own demons he fights. Knowing what I know now, I couldn’t let him stay here. Not with the anger I could sense boiling in his veins. He told me his worst fear was losing control of himself and I’d never be able to live with myself if that happened on my account.

Everything in me wants to run after him, yell for him to come back to me. But this is my battle, and I need to handle it myself. Not be rescued by someone else yet again.

“Should we go inside?” Arrogance radiates from Jett.

I narrow my eyes. “You are not coming inside.”

“We need to talk, Liza.”

“There is nothing left for us to talk about,” I say with finality.

“We never got the chance to talk before. You freaked out before we ever got anywhere. I saw Blake post that she’s out of town and I figured without anyone else here to interject, we’d finally get the chance.” His eyes go down to my chest, causing bile to rise in my throat. “I didn’t realize you’d have your little boyfriend over.”

“You hit me, Jett. There’s nothing else to say.”

“Love…” He takes a step towards me and the air rushes out of my lungs. I try to remember something Colt said to me last night while we were sitting on the couch.