Page 9 of The Keeper

I leaned closer. Her chest lifted on an inhale when she parted her lips. I really wanted to mess up this rose-colored gloss with my mouth.

But I shouldn’t be doing this. I’d sworn off one night stands and reckless taking. It’s just…there was something about her. Something…

Her palms flattened against my chest. “We can’t.”

“It’s just one kiss,” I whispered, doubting my own intentions.

“No. It won’t be.”

I snapped back to reality.

The barrier she’d created with her hands wasn’t at all convincing but it kept me at bay. As much I wanted to know how she felt pressed against me, what she tasted like, what she sounded like, I wasn’t about to force her to do anything she wasn’t ready for.

Besides, she was right. It wouldn’t stop at one kiss. I wouldn’t stop. There’s a reason I have the reputation I do and as selfish as I’ve been with her tonight already, I wouldn’t let myself go further.

“It was nice meeting you,” she said with a melancholy smile. “Too bad timing wasn’t on our side.” She stood up.

“Wait.” My abrupt tone shocked even me. I don’t give orders like this anymore.


She paused, watching me curiously.

“I hope I didn’t come on too strong,” I said, my voice gentler. “Don’t want to ruin the new appreciation you have for the area.”

She smiled and my heart raced. “My appreciation remains firmly intact. Have a good night, Xavier.”

Victoria walked back to her friends, giving me a small wave. The first thing I noticed was how tangible her absence was, how different the air felt. How empty. How much I liked being near her. How good it made me feel.

I wanted to be near her again.



“There it is.”

Killian rolled the car to a stop at the stone wall with Briarcliff Cottage etched into it. All I could see was a huge rundown house that was a shell of its former self.

Just like the Chase family.

“How does it feel to be back here?” Maxim asked.

“I don’t know yet.” I clenched my jaw.

“Do they call this a cottage to be cute? It’s like one of those mansions in Newport. Summer cottages my ass,” Killian exclaimed, getting out of the car.

“That’ll be a dollar,” Maxim laughed.

“Christ Almighty.”

“Another one.”

“Are you two finished?” I put my hands on my hips. “Do you need a timeout?”

The realtor appeared from the front door. She was on the phone but waved us over. I sighed, reluctant to face what I knew was coming.

“We got you, baby girl,” Killian said, wrapping me in a comforting hug. “Charlotte does too. She’s watching from wherever she is.”