I reach for my phone and open it to the messaging app.
Me: Miss you
Really, what I want to tell him is that I love him, but that won’t be happening for the first time via text. I’ll be seeing him in a few days, if not sooner, and I can tell him then.
Me: Don’t work too late
Xander: Probably one more hour sob emoji
Xander: Miss you too kissing_heart emoji
Xander: Where’s Bjorn?
Xander: And why aren’t you using the group chat?
Me: He’s sleeping
How do I tell him I didn’t use the group chat because I was feeling mushy, missing him, and wanting to have a private conversation? Plus, I wouldn’t want Bjorn to feel that I don’t want to be alone with him. Because I do. I love having time alone with both of them. But then I miss whoever we’re not with.
Me: Didn’t want his phone blowing up
Xander: Ahh. Makes sense
Xander: Sleep well. I’m off to finish grading tests
Xander: XXOO
Me: Good night
“Come on, we don’t want to miss it.” Bjorn turns around and waves us on, as excited as a kid in a candy store. Although, in this case, the ‘candy’ is garlic bread.
Kaino seems to be containing their enthusiasm. “How did you even hear about this event? Better yet, why is this an event?”
I gawp at them. “Kaino, how have you not heard about this? Your client is a student. It’s all over TikTok.”
They eye me skeptically, one eyebrow raised. “You’re on TikTok?”
“I have a TikTok account, but I’m barely on it. Though I did watch several of the videos about the event once I heard it went viral.” And a few doggy yoga class videos. And maybe some of the fitness ones. And the pole dancers.
They roll their eyes. “Yes, but where did you hear about it first?”
“From one of my students. Well, I overheard them making plans, and I knew Bjorn would want to go.” We both look at Bjorn, who is giving us pleading looks and gesturing for us to hurry up. “Bjorn, we’re less than five minutes away. And it’s not like we’re missing anything. The event goes until 10 p.m.”
Kaino smirks. “Why are we going if we’re not missing anything?”
I stop in my tracks. “We’re gay, and we all enjoy garlicky foods. How could we not go to an event called Gays Eating Garlic Bread in the Park?”
“Come oooooon!” Bjorn’s patience is obviously being tested and failing.
“Our boy is going to have a meltdown in a minute.”
Kaino gives Bjorn an assessing look. “When was the last time he ate something?”