Page 61 of Complete Me

The blush on Jules’ cheeks is sweet, and he grins up at Erik. “You’re welcome.”

“You’re a born observer, elskling.”

Jules turns a deeper shade of red and glances at Xander. “Kind of goes with the anxiety.”

Erik squeezes his shoulders. “Good point. Can I get you some more iced tea?”

Jules nods, and Erik heads to the refrigerator. Bjorn catches Jules’ eye and wags a finger at him, laughing, then turns back to the stove, and I can’t help feeling we’re missing something. “Kaino.” I glance up at Xander. “Wine?”

“Oh, yes. Thanks. That would be nice.”

Xander steps over to the counter, pouring two glasses, then hands me one. “Jules, I think I saw you at the hospital. You were at the nurse’s station when I was there.”

Jules’ fingers tighten in Pita’s fur, but he nods. “Yes. That’s how I knew who you were. I asked Bjorn about you.”

Turning, we both glance at Bjorn. His shoulders are tense, and he’s paying a bit too much attention to the pot he’s stirring, like he’s worried about how we’re going to react to that bit of information. “Is that so?” Xander uses his professor voice and I can’t tell if he’s amused or annoyed. “And what did you ask?”

Jules swallows and glances at Erik nervously. Erik hands him a glass of iced tea and slips his arm around his shoulders again. Before Jules replies, the front door opens with a slight groan. Pita sits up, head tilting toward the entryway but he doesn’t leave Jules’ side. A clear French-Canadian tenor calls out. “Bonjour everybody! We’re here in spite of Gunnar taking forever to get ready.”

“You were distracting.”

There’s a laugh, followed by a squeak of shocked surprise. “Gunnar!”

“Look, if you’re gonna stick it out there like that, I’m gonna grab it.” Rapid, clearly indignant muttering in French follows.

Bjorn cuts them off. “Hey! We have guests.” The utter silence from the hallway makes me laugh, and I try to turn it into a cough, but when I glance at Xander, he’s grinning too and mouths “Gunnar and Jocelin.” I nod.

They appear in the kitchen doorway, both looking sheepish. “Sorry, everyone.” Gunnar hasn’t changed much in the last few years. He’s a bit bulkier and looks a bit older, but with that height and those broad shoulders, he’s unmistakably an Osouf. Jocelin glances around the kitchen until his eyes land on me, and confusion replaces the curiosity. “Kaino?”

“Hey, Jocelin. It’s been a little while. How’ve you been?”

He glances at Gunnar, and his smile softens. “Recently? Very good.” He holds out his hand to Xander. “Hello. I’m Jocelin.” He pokes Gunnar in the shoulder. “This is Gunnar.”

Gunnar seems relaxed, and not in any kind of negative mood, which is refreshing. “I already know both of them.” Gunnar glances between us. “Shit. It’s been a long time. Good to see you both.” He looks over to Bjorn and winks. And isn’t that interesting.

“Thanks.” Neither Gunnar nor Jocelin attempts to shake my hand, and I’m relieved and grateful.

Before we can get too far into the awkward “What have you been up to?” questions, Erik and Jules wander over. Gunnar opens his arms, and he and Erik hug. “How are you two?”

With that hurdle cleared and the attention elsewhere, Bjorn takes the opportunity to casually approach, keeping his voice low so the others won’t hear. “So, I haven’t told everyone yet, but I’m pretty sure Astrid, Gunnar, and Jocelin know.”

Xander raises an eyebrow. “But not Erik or Jules?” His tone is a bit unhappy.

Bjorn holds up his hands in defense, still trying to be quiet. “I wanted to make the official announcement in person. I was planning to do it tonight at dinner. Get it done in one fell swoop. Right?”

I snort. “You mean tell them when we’re with you, so they’ll be too embarrassed to ask nosey questions.”

At least Bjorn has the grace to look sheepish. “That may have played a part, yeah.”

Xander exhales, almost relieved. “At least Gunnar knows. I was most concerned with how he’d react.” He side-eyes Bjorn. “He reacted well, right? And you are telling everyone else tonight? No secrets?”

“Secrets?” A new male voice comes from the kitchen doorway. We turn to see a guy about my height, with a solid build, reddish-blond hair, and bright blue eyes that sparkle with amusement. “That’s my stock in trade. You can’t have spy novels without secrets.”

Astrid appears behind him, slipping her arms around his waist. “There are secrets?” She glances around the room, her gaze landing on Xander and me, and she beams. “I guess there are.” She turns to Bjorn, smile wide. “You didn’t tell us we were having guests.” She lets go of her boyfriend, grabbing his hand, hauling him across the room to us. “Hey! It’s been a long time. Gary, this is Xander and Kaino.” She points to each of us in turn. “And this is my boyfriend Gary.”

From speaking with Tadhg, I’m already aware Astrid is dating Gary Atkinson, the famous spy novelist. I casually slip my hands behind my back. “Gary, it’s nice to meet you. I enjoy your novels.”

I can practically feel Xander focus on Gary. “Novelist?”