Huh. “Maybe I should.” I wave Erik closer. “Here, help me down. Who the fuck let me buy a vehicle so far off the ground?” He chuckles and slips my right arm over his shoulder, letting me lean on him as much as I need to. Which is more than I’d like but not as much as I feared. With minimal effort, I slide out of the Rover and onto my feet, waiting for the pain to flare, but there’s only a twinge. Once I’m positive I have my legs under me, I pull my arm back, leaving my hand on his shoulder, and we stroll to the front door.
“Hey Bjorn. Welcome home.” Jules grins as he strokes Pita’s head, like he knows he’s stolen my dog’s affections and isn’t the least bit sorry.
I mock-glare at Pita. “Traitor.” Then I wink at Jules. “Thanks. It’s good to be home. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to lying on the couch, playing video games, and sleeping in my own bed.”
When I walk inside, the tight band of stress that’s been constricting my chest eases, and I take a deep breath for the first time in a week. Then I gird myself and peer into the living room, fully expecting to find pizza boxes and empty beer bottles after a week of a heartbroken Gunnar living here by himself. But the place is spotless. “Did you guys clean?”
Jules shakes his head. “Nope. The cleaning service came through last week, and Gunnar kept things pretty neat afterward.” He looks around. “Speaking of, where is Gunnar?”
“Right here.” The front door swings wide, and my youngest brother steps in, hauling a duffle over his shoulder. “Had to swing by the house and get some clean clothes.” He tosses a set of keys to Erik. “Thanks for letting me use your truck.”
“No problem. You know, if you want, I can call Joce and get your car—”
“No.” Gunnar cuts him off with a firm shake of his head. “Just… leave it. It’s fine.”
Erik frowns. “What if the weather—”
“I said leave it.” Gunnar tightens his jaw, blinking rapidly, and Erik backs off, hands held up. After one shaky breath, Gunnar relaxes. “Thanks, though. I appreciate the offer.”
“No problem.” He throws his arm over Jules’ shoulders and kisses the top of his head, both of them finding comfort in each other, and missing Gunnar’s small wince.
I shuffle into the middle of them, breaking the tension as I gesture to Gunnar’s very full bag. “You staying?”
With a thud, Gunnar dumps the duffle on the floor. “Yeah. I’ve been keeping an eye on things while you were in the hospital, and I figured someone’s got to take care of your sorry ass while you recover.”
Guilt momentarily overwhelms me. Gunnar didn’t pick me up from the hospital because he went back home to get clean clothes so he can stay with me. Fuck. Once again I jumped to the worst conclusions about him. Dammit, I need to do better.
“It’s a given that you’ll do shit you shouldn’t, if no one’s here to tell you to sit the fuck down.”
From the corner of my eye, I can see Erik nodding. “Truth.” They fist bump, and my heart squeezes. If it takes ganging up on me to get these two cooperating, then I’m here for it. Though I won’t be mentioning that.
“Fuck you both.” There’s no heat to my words, and they chuckle as we all head into the living room. I ease myself onto the couch with a groan, sinking into the heavenly comfort of the cushions. “This is so much better than a hospital bed.” Pita weaves himself between the couch and coffee table and lays across my feet. “Good boy. I’d pet you but I’m too comfy to move.” He thumps his tail on the carpet like he understands and lets out a sigh, snuggling against my legs.
Erik steps up behind me, dropping his hands onto my shoulders before giving them a squeeze. “Can we do anything for you before we take off?”
I tilt my head so I can see his face. “You guys leaving already?”
“Yup. Office day. Paperwork’s been piling up, and I can’t ignore it anymore.” He jangles his keys at Gunnar. “You want to borrow the truck until you get your car?”
Before Gunnar answers, I do. “He can drive the Rover if he needs it. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Gunnar gawps at me. “You’re gonna lend me your Range Rover?”
I carefully shrug. “Sure.”
He grins like I’ve promised him a pony. “I don’t care if you’re high on pain meds and don’t remember this later. Everyone here heard it.”
I point at him. “Drive responsibly. Fill the tank when you’re done.”
“Yes, Dad.” His tone is sarcastic, but his grin doesn’t dim, and I’m glad I can give him something to smile about. Erik drops a kiss on the top of my head, and Jules leans over to give me a slightly awkward reverse hug. “I’ll see you guys on Sunday, right?”
“You sure you’re gonna be up for that?” Without looking, I know Erik’s frowning. I can hear it in his voice.
Gunnar leans forward and grabs the TV remote and a game controller. “I’ll cook.”
“You will not.” I groan as I attempt to reach the other controller on the coffee table. “I’ll cook.” Thankfully, Gunnar saves me from having to get up, swiping the second controller and tossing it next to me on the couch.
“How about if we all cook.” It’s not really a question, and Erik’s tone leaves no room for argument. Or maybe I’m just too tired to try. “Jules and I will be over early to help.”