Page 16 of Complete Me

Gary leans back in his chair, his hand gently stroking Astrid’s arm. “Any ideas what you’ll do instead?”

I shake my head. “No. Any suggestions?”

He shrugs. “International spy? Wait, that’s even more dangerous. How about action hero? Nah. That’s no better.” He laughs. “Sorry, I’m not sure I’m going to be any help.”

Erik drapes his arm over Jules’ shoulder. “You could always come work with us.”

I’m pretty sure he’s offered knowing I’m not going to take him up on it, but it’s still nice that he did. “Nah. I love hiking, but I don’t want to be responsible for a bunch of people with varying degrees of competency making it off the mountain.”

Gunnar snorts. “Who are you kidding? You’d be all over that. You could dad everyone and get paid.”

I chuckle and shrug. “What do bears call campers in sleeping bags?”

Gunnar shakes his head. “Stop.”

“Soft tacos.” Everyone groans.

Jules snuggles into Erik’s side. “What about something with animals? You’d love that.”

I would. And I’m not sure why I haven’t considered it before. “Like what?”

He shrugs. “You could work at an animal shelter? Become a vet tech? Dog training?”

I could see myself doing any of those things and loving it. Working with Pita has been fun, if only moderately successful. But that’s not too bad for someone with no formal training. “It’s a great idea.” I glance around the table. “I’m open to other suggestions, too, so if anyone has any, let me know.”

“You like to cook. How about something along those lines?” I consider Gunnar’s suggestion, surprised that I didn’t think of that option either. “I saw this advertisement for a cooking class. It’s one night and you make the whole meal from starters to dessert.” He seems awfully excited about it. “What if we do one of those together?”

I blink, shocked that he’d ask me to go and not Jocelin. “That sounds like fun. But, are you sure you’d want to do that?”

It’s clear in his expression that he knows I mean is he sure he wants to do this with me. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll send you the link to the class. You can check it out and let me know what you think.” Then Gunnar clears his throat, excitement pouring off him in waves. “So, while we all pondering Bjorn’s future career…” He glances nervously at Jocelin, who grins encouragingly. “We also have an announcement.”

“Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” Astrid gasps dramatically and presses her hand over her mouth.

Gunnar throws his napkin at her and glares. I need to put a stop to that before it becomes a habit. “Hey, quit with the throwing things. Eventually someone’s gonna get hurt.”

Gunnar snorts. “Okay, Dad.” He turns back to Astrid. “No. We’re not pregnant.” The way he looks at Jocelin, with so much love, makes my chest ache, and not from my injury. “But we are moving in together.”

The table bursts into happy clapping, and Gary gives a loud whistle. Astrid jumps up and runs around to hug Jocelin, then Gunnar, and the whole scene is a mass of happy chaos. I’m so proud of him and thrilled for them both. But when I glance around the table at my siblings and their partners, I’m also a little sad. How can I be lonely in a room full of the people I love most in this world?

A slender arm slips around my shoulders, and Jules leans into my good side. He gives me a gentle squeeze before dropping his arm. “It’s tough. Watching them all grow up and not need you anymore. At least, that’s what my mom says. And Ma McDougal says it a lot, too. Especially now that Quinn and Tadhg found each other and got their shit sorted.”

I blink and take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Is that what this is? Empty nest feelings?” My chuckle is a little bitter. “All my little chicks have grown up and started families of their own.”

“Maybe a bit.” Jules hip-checks me, which, given he’s standing and I’m sitting, doesn’t quite work, but it’s sweet. Then, in a sneak attack I don’t expect, he brings out the big guns and hits me between the eyes. “And maybe you’re just a teeny bit jealous?”

Denial is on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t say the words. Probably because he’s right. “Maybe. A little.”

“So do something about it.”

I shake my head. “Not like I can will a relationship into existence.” If it were possible, I’d be in so deep that there’d be no extracting me. “You have to have someone to be in the relationship with, Jules.”

He turns to face me. “Seems like maybe you have your choice of potential someones. What about one of your visitors from the hospital?”

“You mean the guys from work?” I know who he means, but I can’t quite bring myself to consider that outside of my own head. “They’re great guys, but every one of them is straight as a razor’s edge. Besides that, I’m not particularly interested in any of them. They’re not the kind of guys who like a quiet evening snuggling on the couch, reading, or playing video games.” Then I reconsider. “Okay, maybe yes to the video games, but you know what I mean.” For being the sweetest person in the room, when Jules cops an attitude, he picks a sassy one. I blame his sibling, Stef, for that. “Jules, I didn’t know your eyebrow could go that high.”

“So, are you purposely being obtuse, or are you just trying to divert the conversation from the incredibly attractive twink with the white-blond hair and gorgeous eyes, or the equally handsome naughty-professor guy with the willowy frame and allll those blond tresses tied back in a man bun?”

Laughing loudly, I sling my arm around Jules’ shoulders and hug him. “Thank you. I needed that. And don’t let Erik hear you talking about anyone else’s blond tresses or sexy man bun.”